Express handing resi deliveries to Ground


Well-Known Member
Obamacare STOPPED deductibles and copays for annual checkups, cancer screenings, diagnostic lab tests, immunizations, prenatal care and more. You should know that by now. And if you ever had a serious health problem, your annnual deductible was a firm limit, unlike your old insurance that had 'co-insurance- that was basically unlimited. Clearly, you still have no understanding of what :obamacare' did because you listened too much to just one side who was getting huge campaign donations from lobbyists. Obamacare set up reasonable minimum standards for what insurers needed to provide for the money they got. And uou probably still think that to use your insurance under Obamacare, you need to meet your deductible first before getting any coverage, like your old plan. Under Obamacare. MOST medical is covered with deductibles only a portion of the entire bill and only for services that aren't fully covered.

And the removal of lifetime AND annual caps is a literal lifesaver, and someday your life may be saved by it. So you have MUCH better insurance now, without even knowing it. Maybe you just don't like having better coverage, maybe you didn't like having a black president. Who knows?

And if you are middle income, you can get as much as 90% of the premium covered, and have copays as low as $5, with zero deductible, even if your plan says it has $6000 deductible, that part of the plan is called 'extra help; that most people have no clue about.

And only ignorant people whine about the 'we need to pass it before we know what's in it" comment because minor changes were being made to get votes right up to the vote. Until they made all the changes necessary to pass it, NO ONE could tell exactly what the final version would be, but 90% of the bill at least was available to see on line and read for yourself. And a lot of whiners cried about it being 2000 pages, but about half of those pages were 1-2 sentences changing terms of other relevant laws to make it cohesive. In actual printed form with standard pring in standard page format, it was ~600 pages. And most of those pages were the changes to make the law comply with other laws already in existence.
Wrong again-you are a real left wing nut who listens to much to Rachael Maddow. The Affordable Health Care is a failure. Why should I have to pay for prenatal care when I do not have a child bearing member of the family. All these so call freebies are why the deductables are so high. The old days of just paying a co pay for the service I use were much better. If the Affordable Health Care is so great,why are the Dem candidates still complaining about health care and calling for changes


Well-Known Member
Fedex will move everything to Ground once you start the disruption no reason not to continue. Question for Ground contractors what are you insurance rates on these revolving door drivers. High and insurance rates are what keeps many truckers from going independent. Also the difference between UPS and Ground is one word Teamsters not skill issues example the only unionized employees at FedEx are the pilots.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Why would anybody want to work for ground for peanuts while we made union wages and benefits?

Go ask the Ground guys why they're working for peanuts when they could be working for better pay/bennies at Express or union pay/bennies at UPS.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Go ask the Ground guys why they're working for peanuts when they could be working for better pay/bennies at Express or union pay/bennies at UPS.
They need full time work right now. It’s better than retail. They like the relaxed atmosphere. Just some of the reasons I’ve heard.


Well-Known Member
Go ask the Ground guys why they're working for peanuts when they could be working for better pay/bennies at Express or union pay/bennies at UPS.
The difference in wages and benefits with the teamsters would be much greater that it is now with no Union. Turn over would be low in Express and extremely high at Ground.


Well-Known Member
Fedex will move everything to Ground once you start the disruption no reason not to continue. Question for Ground contractors what are you insurance rates on these revolving door drivers. High and insurance rates are what keeps many truckers from going independent. Also the difference between UPS and Ground is one word Teamsters not skill issues example the only unionized employees at FedEx are the pilots.
Except you can't really organize Ground. All those drivers work for contractors, not FedEx.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
The difference in wages and benefits with the teamsters would be much greater that it is now with no Union. Turn over would be low in Express and extremely high at Ground.

Turnover wouldn't be much different at Ground from what it is now. There are plenty of people willing to take what Ground offers now despite better options elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
Rumor is that they are targeting routes that do 5-7 SPH. Other rumors are that there are more criteria involved that will determine whether an Express pkg stays with Express or is tendered to Ground.

So I run 10SPH on my 220mile rural route, if you pull anything my SPH will plummet


Well-Known Member
They can probably just eventually move everything to ground
Keep the pilots and a couple RTD's at the stations and just drive it to Ground.
There really is no difference from what this is going to do.
Phase out the Express employee.
Problem is Ground is on road in most areas well before flights land... not saying it's not possible, UPS does it. But not without running more routes.. maybe contractors will be offered Express routes to purchase with drivers attached.


Well-Known Member
l...Puts the cost per package well in the $4.00+ range on the delivery end. Contrast that to an intown employee that's doing just 10SPH. Yes, the labor cost on the package is still kinda high at 10sph, but fuel and mileage savings more than make up for it...

if your in town driver is running 10SPH you have bigger problems.


Well-Known Member
The difference in wages and benefits with the teamsters would be much greater that it is now with no Union. Turn over would be low in Express and extremely high at Ground.
When you look at Ground, Amazon, Grub Hub etc etc., their success is entirely dependent on low wage, zero benefit labor and plenty of it. The only question will be is there going to be enough of it to go around? Remember wasn't the lack of low wage zero benefit labor the reason for Ground's peak season debacle?
Now some areas of the country will run out of it sooner than others but eventually they will all run out of it. Why? The lower the pay the less attractive the work becomes and the more unattractive the work becomes the fewer the people who are willing to do it.

Now despite all the advances in information technology it still comes down to pick it up here. haul it over there, put it down some place agreeable .