Express handing resi deliveries to Ground


Well-Known Member
Turnover wouldn't be much different at Ground from what it is now. There are plenty of people willing to take what Ground offers now despite better options elsewhere.
You can't run a union and non-union right next to each other doing the same job it just doesn't work that way


New Member
I'm in a major metropolitan area and they haven't said a thing about this yet. Guessing that they need to make sure they have enough bodies before the shift occurs. It'll be interesting to see how this transition works out


Well-Known Member
Wrong again-you are a real left wing nut who listens to much to Rachael Maddow. The Affordable Health Care is a failure. Why should I have to pay for prenatal care when I do not have a child bearing member of the family. All these so call freebies are why the deductables are so high. The old days of just paying a co pay for the service I use were much better. If the Affordable Health Care is so great,why are the Dem candidates still complaining about health care and calling for changes
Obamacare may have served to give Fedex a convenient opportunity to drop coverage levels down to what are the so called " bronze plans" . Pays about 60% of the billed claims . With or without the ACA those benefits were going down and the ACA may have given Fat Freddy a convenient smoke screen .

Of course what older people could have just as easily had was the opportunity to enjoy Paul Ryan's so called plan to save Medicare. Medicare would have been scrapped replaced with a voucher for $ 7700 that people would have used to buy private health insurance. Only problem with that is that there ain't a health insurer in the entire world who would have written and insurance contract for a 65 year old. for $650 a month.


Well-Known Member
Wrong again-you are a real left wing nut who listens to much to Rachael Maddow. The Affordable Health Care is a failure. Why should I have to pay for prenatal care when I do not have a child bearing member of the family. All these so call freebies are why the deductables are so high. The old days of just paying a co pay for the service I use were much better. If the Affordable Health Care is so great,why are the Dem candidates still complaining about health care and calling for changes
Kinda like saying, why do I have to pay for the fire department when I don't smoke. It's obvious to people, not members of a cult, the aca is being sabotaged by elected officials who receive legalized bribes from the insurance companies. America is suppose to be a first world country yet they're being bankrupted by medical costs. It amazes me how all the wealth is concentrated at the top 1 percent. That's not capitalism, that;s a Pyramid scheme. The guy who's the reason fedex express will be no more in 11 months just bought a house for 165 million(the equivalent of 122 bucks to the average person) and we're arguing over the ACA. Look at my Avatar, They're on the same team. There's no Rep or Dem. It's the rich team vs the team pretending to be for the working class but pulls a Washington Generals, a team who gets paid to lose on purpose. They're laughing at the fools. "Get all the fool on your side and you can be elected to anything"....Frank Dane. In America, debt is the new paycheck because having 3 jobs would cut into sleep the body needs.


double tap o da horn dooshbag
I'm in a major metropolitan area and they haven't said a thing about this yet. Guessing that they need to make sure they have enough bodies before the shift occurs. It'll be interesting to see how this transition works out

They're testing it out somewhere in NC first

Makavelli said:
the first Phase will only include freight originating out of Greensboro, NC.


Well-Known Member
Unionization wouldn't have stopped this, merely delayed it a contract or two.

With a split workforce between employee and contractor, this was always going to be the outcome.

It's funny because when I started, years ago, I called this and was laughed at. "Express is Fred's baby. He would never allow ground to take Express freight.". Now all the guys who laughed are watching what is happening down there, hoping it takes longer than I think it will to get here, so they're a bit closer to retirement.

Unionization creates certainty and the parameters for any downsizing. That stunt they pulled last year would not have been possible. Rather it would have been negotiated and there would have been some notice


Well-Known Member
Either I survive the shift, attrition, & cuts. The route restructuring, and start times. Or I roll my 401k over and cash that pittance of a PPA out and simply go elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
Unionization creates certainty and the parameters for any downsizing. That stunt they pulled last year would not have been possible. Rather it would have been negotiated and there would have been some notice
Which is exactly what I said.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
So I run 10SPH on my 220mile rural route, if you pull anything my SPH will plummet

They may restructure routes as needed. Those in North Carolina who will be the guinea pigs have said that what goes to Ground will be stuff that Ground can take from the origin Express station on the PM sort and have on a truck at the destination Ground station on the morning of the commit date. According to them that's the plan for the time being.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Kinda like saying, why do I have to pay for the fire department when I don't smoke.

That's a stupid analogy. You're comparing a requirement to purchase private sector coverage for an event that can't happen to a requirement to fund a public good.

It's obvious to people, not members of a cult, the aca is being sabotaged by elected officials who receive legalized bribes from the insurance companies. America is suppose to be a first world country yet they're being bankrupted by medical costs. It amazes me how all the wealth is concentrated at the top 1 percent. That's not capitalism, that;s a Pyramid scheme. The guy who's the reason fedex express will be no more in 11 months just bought a house for 165 million(the equivalent of 122 bucks to the average person) and we're arguing over the ACA. Look at my Avatar, They're on the same team. There's no Rep or Dem. It's the rich team vs the team pretending to be for the working class but pulls a Washington Generals, a team who gets paid to lose on purpose. They're laughing at the fools. "Get all the fool on your side and you can be elected to anything"....Frank Dane. In America, debt is the new paycheck because having 3 jobs would cut into sleep the body needs.

Have you met bacha?


Well-Known Member
Wrong again-you are a real left wing nut who listens to much to Rachael Maddow. The Affordable Health Care is a failure. Why should I have to pay for prenatal care when I do not have a child bearing member of the family. All these so call freebies are why the deductables are so high. The old days of just paying a co pay for the service I use were much better. If the Affordable Health Care is so great,why are the Dem candidates still complaining about health care and calling for changes
This is the kind of ignorance that is all too common. People in group plans pay for prenatal care for their co=workers all the time, and group plans ARE always cheaper. There is NO copay OR deductible for any of the 10 essential benefits, so you can see your doctor and get tested at least once annually for NO out of pocket. I thought everyone knew all that 10 years after those changes took effect.

Democrats want BETTER- by saving the 20% off the top that insurers are taking away that could be spent on care. So many people are so ignorant of what Medicare For All would do that they would rather pay a $500 premium plus a higher deductible and copay for 'private' insurance than pay a $400 tax for better coverage. Medicare lets patients see just about any doctor, while most private insurance has networks.' And the US already pays more for health care than MFA will cost the country. If your employer is paying now, they can still pay under Medicare for All. Their premiums would be LOWER and employees could demand getting back the difference in wages. And as long as insurers offer plans that cover at the minimum the same as medicare for all, MOST democrats approve of medicare for all or something similar.

And you have no clue, obviously, about deductibles under Obama care. They don't apply to MOST care at all, so are higher for the remaining services up to a point, the difference is that under Obamacare, when you reach your $6000 annual deductible, that's it, except for continuing premiums. Under old plans, You would have deductibles even for basic care under most plans, or you had to pay the entire deductible before you got ANY covered care. Under Obamacare, you reach your deductible, and you don't start hitting co-insurance. Co-insurance is what made most people go bankrupt- NOT the deductible. And if you have a serious condition, you don't have a lifetime cap OR and ANNUAL cap OR co-insurance you can't afford. That saves lives. The coverage under Obamacare is much more extensive, at the cost of deductibles that APPEAR to the ignorant to be higher. But because those deductibles don't apply to most care, most people won't be paying them.

It is hard for stupid people to see things that take more than 4 words to explain- like MAGA, which sounds good but means nothing. But the ignorant love it!!!!


Well-Known Member
That's a stupid analogy. You're comparing a requirement to purchase private sector coverage for an event that can't happen to a requirement to fund a public good.

Have you met bacha?

Public heath is a public benefit. Everyone pays when people aren't healthy.

And for the ignorant(MAGA impaired), one of the first lines in the constitution states the constition was written to form a country to 'promote the general welfare' which is ignored by those who claim to be strict 'constitutionalists.' It's just more ignorance based on what they are told instead of what is actually factual.

And for the really stupid- public schools, public roads, public police and fire protection, public parks and libraries, publicly funded national defense, the federal air traffic control system, homeland security, border patrol, the FDA, and on and on are all SOCIALIST. Adding medical care will not make us socialist as the MGAs believe- we are ALREADY socialist