Express Pay Increase?

Will Express Get a Pay Hike in 2021?

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falcon back

Well-Known Member
Correct. If every employee like me left nothing would ever change.
So you think you are so important, what you do affects the entire corporation?
If better opportunities are out there, a man with your skills should be in high demand. Or, you could stay put and bitch all day.


Well-Known Member
So you think you are so important, what you do affects the entire corporation?
If better opportunities are out there, a man with your skills should be in high demand. Or, you could stay put and bitch all day.
Uhh ya... hourly employees are the company. Without package handlers there’s no district manager. Without couriers there are no engineers. If we just shut up or leave as you suggest, nothing ever changes. You have to voice complaints. Trust me everything I say on this page i’ve said to corporate. Quitting is the weakest move an employee has.

NC man

Well-Known Member
They can't find enough help and you say they want topped out to leave. LOL
They are not doing anything to make us want to stay around. Idk the nbrs but would be interesting to see how many left in last year and I’m sure some of those were planning to leave anyway.Fed wants to push as much as possible to Ground, don’t have to pay employees, no benefits, ins, pension etc. so over time less Employees needed under Express.


Well-Known Member
Just asked a 3rd manager a few minutes ago. Will be something for top out, but not as much as the people in range will get
I'm topped out and I think that's the fair way to do it. The low and mid-range employees have really gotten the short end of the stick for way too long.
They want us topped out to leave/retire
I don't care what they want. I'm working MY plan, not theirs.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Looks like no raise for topped out employees. Two step increase for everyone within range.
Gossip. Not saying it won't happen, but decisions on pay actions are decided by those at the very top, aren't leaked to anyone, and aren't usually made until August.

Again, not saying it won't happen.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
The decision will likely be made in August after there's enough data on Q1. There were rumors about different things, but it keeps changing. So anything you hear now is subject to change and I wouldn't get my hopes up about 2 steps.

Lots of different "confirmed by manager" rumors going around. I've heard 4 different raise amounts from "management" from different stations. Neighboring stations saying they were told by managers but amounts are different.
LOL, you guys hit the nail on the head.

Also, all managers are liars unless they tell you want you want to hear :D


Full Service
What is the top rate for you guys now anyway? I certainly don't miss those will I get a raise or not games. In my city, they are offering PT work at $24. FT top rate at UPS will be a few cents shy of $40 next month. FedEx continues to screw it's employees, no wonder there is a mass exodus.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
What is the top rate for you guys now anyway? I certainly don't miss those will I get a raise or not games. In my city, they are offering PT work at $24. FT top rate at UPS will be a few cents shy of $40 next month. FedEx continues to screw it's employees, no wonder there is a mass exodus.
UPS here can't get and keep employees. Their newbies are turning over like nobody's business.


Well-Known Member
Just to embellish the joy, someone at work who’s completed manager training told me that ops managers at our station recently got $30,000 bonuses. Gets you right [somewhere], huh?


Well-Known Member
Managers are just salesmen. Selling you what you want to hear so you will leave them alone. Even though they usually don't know any more than we do.

Most of our managers remind me of used car salesmen. "What's it going to take for me to get you in this car today.. " What's it going to take for me to get you in this Sprinter today? Whatever you need to hear to move past whatever the concern is, they will say it. Kick the ball a little farther down the road.

It would be nice to get 2 steps but I won't believe it until I see it. If we do maybe I'll add a couple more percent to 401k savings, up to 19% now, more is better. Still have minimum 10 years left to build as much as I can.

El Morado Diablo

Well-Known Member
My rent is going up 9%.

I'm sure FedEx will do me a solid and make sure any raise they give me will keep up with the real rate of inflation for those of us on the bottom market levels. <sarcasm>