Express Pay Increase?

Will Express Get a Pay Hike in 2021?

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Well-Known Member
Looks like no raise for topped out employees. Two step increase for everyone within range.
If there's one thing I've learned working here, don't believe anything until it happens. What about people on step 9?
Mgmt in two different locations
If you've been with the company for any length of time, you should know that kind of information doesn't trickle down that far this early. 9 times out of 10, it's usually a misquote from someone higher up just to keep everyone hopeful. If a raise like that was coming, we'll hear about it on the August or September Frontline. There's NO WAY higher ups will let a lowly manager or even SM make that kind of announcement.


Well-Known Member
Just to embellish the joy, someone at work who’s completed manager training told me that ops managers at our station recently got $30,000 bonuses. Gets you right [somewhere], huh?
For Ops Managers? Very unlikely. Anyone with access can see the target payout on the website. Like many couriers most ops are nowhere near top pay. Most are at less than the mid-point of the pay range and it would be literally impossible to get 30K.

AIC won't be paid until later in July. I doubt it will get much appreciation here, but managers have not had ANY bonus there previous 2 years and had anemic raises as well. With the massive hiring going on many managers have more employees than ever - what should be 20-25 is 35-50 and new people require a lot more work and effort. Interviews done by station managers must have 2 managers present. All this amounts to a huge amount of extra work and managers don't get OT (except in Washington) if they work longer hours so get absolutely ZERO for the effort. Whether or not employees get the raise they deserve they are paid 1.5X or 2X their wage for that. I know that doesn't makeup for a better base rate.

Employees have earned and deserved record-breaking raises. I will believe that happens when I see it. You may have managers that are great or ones that are terrible. Your perception of their contribution may or may not match that of the Senior and MD. Many managers have also earned and deserve more compensation. In the US about a third of hourly employees are topped out. Nowhere near that for managers so to reiterate it is extremely unlikely Ops Mangers would get 30K bonus this year, but I wish some did.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
For Ops Managers? Very unlikely. Anyone with access can see the target payout on the website. Like many couriers most ops are nowhere near top pay. Most are at less than the mid-point of the pay range and it would be literally impossible to get 30K.

AIC won't be paid until later in July. I doubt it will get much appreciation here, but managers have not had ANY bonus there previous 2 years and had anemic raises as well. With the massive hiring going on many managers have more employees than ever - what should be 20-25 is 35-50 and new people require a lot more work and effort. Interviews done by station managers must have 2 managers present. All this amounts to a huge amount of extra work and managers don't get OT (except in Washington) if they work longer hours so get absolutely ZERO for the effort. Whether or not employees get the raise they deserve they are paid 1.5X or 2X their wage for that. I know that doesn't makeup for a better base rate.

Employees have earned and deserved record-breaking raises. I will believe that happens when I see it. You may have managers that are great or ones that are terrible. Your perception of their contribution may or may not match that of the Senior and MD. Many managers have also earned and deserve more compensation. In the US about a third of hourly employees are topped out. Nowhere near that for managers so to reiterate it is extremely unlikely Ops Mangers would get 30K bonus this year, but I wish some did.
Wow. Only a third are topped out? That’s sad. I agree with you…managers deserve more compensation also. I remember when they only had ten employees. Lol.


Well-Known Member
Managers are just salesmen. Selling you what you want to hear so you will leave them alone. Even though they usually don't know any more than we do.

Most of our managers remind me of used car salesmen. "What's it going to take for me to get you in this car today.. " What's it going to take for me to get you in this Sprinter today? Whatever you need to hear to move past whatever the concern is, they will say it. Kick the ball a little farther down the road.

It would be nice to get 2 steps but I won't believe it until I see it. If we do maybe I'll add a couple more percent to 401k savings, up to 19% now, more is better. Still have minimum 10 years left to build as much as I can.
Managers just want to go home like we do. They don’t care about your concerns lol. They don’t care about your hourly rate. So they end up lying about everything to buy your silence for a day. They’ve been doing it for 20 years regarding pay. And senior managers, and managing directors do the same thing all the way down the ladder. I’ve heard “we know it’s a problem” “they’re working on something big for you guys”... “changes are coming, they’ve heard the concerns”, for 14 years. Every single year for 14 years I’ve heard that. Clearly... it’s not true lol.


Well-Known Member
There’s no way a third of hourly employees are topped out. At my station it’s not even a tenth.
It's actually over 35%. It's a big country where some locations have many and there are tons of hourly job codes.

As far as managers lying I can't speak to that although I'm sure many do just as many employees do. Nothing about a title changes one's humanity. The number one topic asked by managers to those higher up is about pay. The sad reality is that managers and MDs don't make the decision and there's nothing they can do except keep asking and bringing up the concerns. No one here has access to the real information or any influence to make it different.

Truly the only thing that moves the pay needle quickly is catastrophic failure. When it gets to the point that you lose more money than you make or the brand is deteriorated so badly that it costs less to pay the people more.

falcon back

Well-Known Member
I must have really lucked out. My manager’s very supportive and to my knowledge hasn’t lied to me.
The reason most of these tools get lied to is because their managers dislike lazy, whining employees and they lie to them because of the headaches they cause their managers. I was there over 40 years and could count on 1 hand the times I caught a manager openly being less than honest when answering a question or relaying information. In most instances, if you are honest with them, they return the favor. Not always but I found exceptions to be very rare.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
I must have really lucked out. My manager’s very supportive and to my knowledge hasn’t lied to me.
In all my years at FedEx, I’ve only had one manager that lied to me. I caught him in a lie when he flat out lied to my face. After that I never trusted anything he said. The rest of them were honest as far as I knew.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
AIC won't be paid until later in July. I doubt it will get much appreciation here, but managers have not had ANY bonus there previous 2 years and had anemic raises as well. With the massive hiring going on many managers have more employees than ever - what should be 20-25 is 35-50 and new people require a lot more work and effort. Interviews done by station managers must have 2 managers present. All this amounts to a huge amount of extra work and managers don't get OT (except in Washington) if they work longer hours so get absolutely ZERO for the effort.

B-b-b-b-but I read it here that managers don't do anything, always go home by noon, get nice regular raises and huge bonuses for doing nothing!!!!