I am your average fat autistic computer geek. I come from a line of fat autistic geeks who have all manners of problems. We get bad knees. We get diabetes. And we rarely live past our 70th birthday. I set out to change the pattern. I quit smoking earlier than my predecessors and even started losing weight. Unfortunately, working out hasn't been going too well. I'm getting older and I've been fat and out of shape for a long time. What I am good at however is getting out of bed every day at the same time and going to work. (Autism isn't all bad. Because of it I haven't missed a day of work in years. Managers have had to force me to leave because I was too sick to work.)
So my plan was to seek employment at UPS. It seemed to be a perfect plan, I may not be able to haul my fat ass to a gym, but I always go to work. Well, the plan is in motion but my coworkers and supervisors aren't thrilled.
Twice now supervisors have asked me to leave early. I know we overhired, I've heard we are holding a hiring freeze. Both times my supervisors have told me this was due to our being overstaffed. However, a coworker explained to me that this wasn't true and they're signaling to me that I'm not keeping up.
My concern is this - I know this coworker is correct, I'm not keeping up. On Tuesday, I pushed too hard and have been sore as hell ever since. Wednesday I was good for a half hour then ran out of steam. Thursday I was feeling a bit better, was told that I could keep up, but that only lasted an hour before the soreness returned and my speed tanked.
So, I ask - usually, how much time does a new hire have to get up to speed? My supervisors have assured me that I'm fine with the company, coworkers are sure that I'm not.
So my plan was to seek employment at UPS. It seemed to be a perfect plan, I may not be able to haul my fat ass to a gym, but I always go to work. Well, the plan is in motion but my coworkers and supervisors aren't thrilled.
Twice now supervisors have asked me to leave early. I know we overhired, I've heard we are holding a hiring freeze. Both times my supervisors have told me this was due to our being overstaffed. However, a coworker explained to me that this wasn't true and they're signaling to me that I'm not keeping up.
My concern is this - I know this coworker is correct, I'm not keeping up. On Tuesday, I pushed too hard and have been sore as hell ever since. Wednesday I was good for a half hour then ran out of steam. Thursday I was feeling a bit better, was told that I could keep up, but that only lasted an hour before the soreness returned and my speed tanked.
So, I ask - usually, how much time does a new hire have to get up to speed? My supervisors have assured me that I'm fine with the company, coworkers are sure that I'm not.