FedEx contractor revolt?


Well-Known Member
Contractors are fixing to walk if they don’t see a significant raise.
The trick will be that many more contractors need to walk on the same day (or park their vans for a week or so) than FedEx can find stooges and suckers to fill in the empty spaces.

With a personality like Spencer holding the bullhorn, such an event can very easily happen.


Well-Known Member
I keep hearing of the massive expenses to combine ground and express. I see massive amounts of waste with all the stations, managers, senior managers, etc. I know they could cut a massive amount of white collar jobs and I know that’s probably got dano nervous. The company needs to focus once again on the people making it happen or it’s gonna get real bad really quick. I’ve never seen morale this low and it’s not gonna get better with a 2% raise come October.


Well-Known Member
The trick will be that many more contractors need to walk on the same day (or park their vans for a week or so) than FedEx can find stooges and suckers to fill in the empty spaces.

With a personality like Spencer holding the bullhorn, such an event can very easily happen.
Sam's right about this. The deciding factor in all this will be the number of contractors who simply run out of cash between now and Black Friday. I'm reading reports regarding contractor employed drivers who have not been paid in two weeks or longer. It goes without saying that if you can't even keep a large enough cash reserve to pay your're SOL.


Staff member
Sam's right about this. The deciding factor in all this will be the number of contractors who simply run out of cash between now and Black Friday. I'm reading reports regarding contractor employed drivers who have not been paid in two weeks or longer. It goes without saying that if you can't even keep a large enough cash reserve to pay your're SOL.
Remember those open CSAs I was talking about before? Who covers those? The contractors helping now may not have the manpower during peak. They may well need all the drivers they have now to cover their own contracted areas.

Yeah, nobody wants to walk away fro those premium stops, but contracted is contracted. FedEx is spread so thin these days with contractors and drivers that they are in a considerably deep hole already.
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59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Because the Fedx brand sucks in both and no longer a reliable service for one. In order to fix ground Raj is gonna have to pay contractors more and that’s not happening. If they do it won’t trickle down to the actual couriers. That means the same junk they’ve been hiring , constant turnover.
I don't know about you, but I couldn't care less about who Ground contractors hire to drive their trucks and deliver their freight. Neither do customers.

The fact that when I pull up to a stop and they say you’re the fourth fedex today. Waste.
Margins for ground and express are worse.
E-commerce is the future, it can’t happen overnight but the UPS model is proven. One truck, one area. It’s really not that hard to understand
You're not really geared to discuss this beyond "But one truck" as your response to everything.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Hey goobar! Are you paying attention? Contractors are fixing to walk if they don’t see a significant raise. I know you love cheap labor and this has got to be killing you!
I don't care which option FedEx chooses. I'm telling you clowns that they aren't going to kill the contractor model because that would be the dumbest possible path to take.

Of course, guys like you think it makes sense.
I don't care which option FedEx chooses. I'm telling you clowns that they aren't going to kill the contractor model because that would be the dumbest possible path to take.

Of course, guys like you think it makes sense.
> contractors can't benefit from economy of scale
> Fedex has to pay more for contractors to stay afloat

Am I missing something?

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
I keep hearing of the massive expenses to combine ground and express. I see massive amounts of waste with all the stations, managers, senior managers, etc.
I know they could cut a massive amount of white collar jobs and I know that’s probably got dano nervous.
For one, they don't cut white collar jobs - they buy them out. For two, a VBO for me would be nearly 2 years' worth of pay.

I don't know about you, but a fat check like that is nothing to get nervous about.