FedEx contractor revolt?


Well-Known Member
We already had a guy who ranted about how Ground was killing the brand as the brand kept growing.
Do you understand what a brand is?
The Federal Express brand is gone.

Exactly what is the Express brand today?
I can tell you what it was branded on.

What is or was Ground's brand?
I couldn't tell you, tell me.


Well-Known Member
Why would they have to buy you out? You don't have a contract. They could simply eliminate your job like they've done with some desk jobs.
They could, that has not been the way they have done it in the past however.
If things changed he'd yelp like a hit dog.

The only thing certain at Express is change.
I guess he thinks he's indespensible, I hope AI doesn't target his job.


Well-Known Member

For one, they don't cut white collar jobs - they buy them out. For two, a VBO for me would be nearly 2 years' worth of pay.

I don't know about you, but a fat check like that is nothing to get nervous about.
It’s obvious that you sit in a cubicle all day writing your own five star reward qualifications. Lol. You need to get out and realize the FedEx you think exists, actually don’t.


Well-Known Member
I don't care which option FedEx chooses. I'm telling you clowns that they aren't going to kill the contractor model because that would be the dumbest possible path to take.

Of course, guys like you think it makes sense.
I never said FedEx was gonna kill the contractor model. The contractors are working on doing that! Are you getting the picture yet? Cheap labor is starting to rear its head. I guess you think FedEx is just gonna be same ol business as usual huh? There’s quite a few contractors thinking differently. I love it!


Well-Known Member
They could, that has not been the way they have done it in the past however.
If things changed he'd yelp like a hit dog.

The only thing certain at Express is change.
I guess he thinks he's indespensible, I hope AI doesn't target his job.
It's pure PR like FedEx has a no layoff policy. Pure bull :censored2:.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Why would they have to buy you out? You don't have a contract. They could simply eliminate your job like they've done with some desk jobs.
It's called VBO. They don't eliminate jobs except through VBO and attrition. Maybe when they fire someone for cause.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
It’s obvious that you sit in a cubicle all day writing your own five star reward qualifications. Lol. You need to get out and realize the FedEx you think exists, actually don’t.
As long as I live rent free in your head, nah.


Well-Known Member
They could, that has not been the way they have done it in the past however.
The only thing certain at Express is change.

If they want to buy me out, I don't care if it's AI or some guy off the street.
@MAKAVELI noted you work under no contract, You offered no dissent, that is effectively a stipulation.

If fedex changes and they don't offer a buyout and they simply offered the opportunity to find another position, would your response be a different one?

You need to consider a statement in whole.
Broken down the parts may not equal the whole.


Well-Known Member
@MAKAVELI noted you work under no contract, You offered no dissent, that is effectively a stipulation.

If fedex changes and they don't offer a buyout and they simply offered the opportunity to find another position, would your response be a different one?

You need to consider a statement in whole.
Broken down the parts may not equal the whole.
I rest my case.


Well-Known Member
Nope. Far from it. Did you miss the times where I said that any reasonably intelligent person with a decent work ethic could do the job just as well?

If they want to buy me out, I don't care if it's AI or some guy off the street.
And to think what your mom had to go through just to get that job back for you

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
@MAKAVELI noted you work under no contract, You offered no dissent, that is effectively a stipulation.

If fedex changes and they don't offer a buyout and they simply offered the opportunity to find another position, would your response be a different one?

You need to consider a statement in whole.
Broken down the parts may not equal the whole.
All of it minus some of it equals less of it.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!


Well-Known Member
All of it minus some of it equals less of it.
I understand, once again you are unresponsive to the question.

Wouldn't it have been easier to just reply, "Most likely."?
It would have been over.

Your inability to be truthful in many unresponsive "responses" is precisely why most here rightly label you as an apologist and lackey.

I'm going to try again,

If you were simply displaced and offered ninety days to secure another position, would you be satisfied?

If you were, would your wife lose any respect for you?