FedEx contractor revolt?


Well-Known Member
It’s September 5th. ERC checks are beginning to roll in. Why do you believe we’ve passed the point of massive contractor exodus? Do you think people coming in are somehow able to make the crappy contracts work where well seasoned contractors are failing?

And I’ll absolutely take the contingency money. Why wouldn’t I? I’m not bent on destroying the company. I want the company to be something that’s profitable for me to be involved with. Contingency makes the possible. If and when it goes away, so do I. Honestly, I think that’s the case for everyone doing contingency. If the company decides tomorrow not to pay it out anymore, contractors would stop doing it. If the company decides that contingency is their “solution” I’ll continue to cash the checks.
What is the one common piece of rhetoric coming out of contractors? All of them stated their strong support for the company. Why because for many every dime they have to their name is tied up in a severely flawed delivery network. Nevertheless, they took the deal.

Even going back to the formative years of Roadway Package System, Ivan Hoffman had a clear message to Day 1's: "Your success will depend on your ability to control your fixed and variable costs". FXG is simply reinforcing the same message but in a more clear, stern and forceful manner. What they're saying is simple and impactful: " Get ready for hard times. There is only so much money to go around and concern for what you've got invested in it is no concern of ours. The satisfaction of our shareholders will always come before the satisfaction of our employees and contractors"

Face the facts. Transportation has always been extremely vulnerable to global economic and geopolitical volatility. When demand falls so goes the need for transportation. In addition. despite all the threats regarding suspension of service X isn't worried because they know that they've got the vast majority of remaining contractors by their economic throats

In the meantime if you have some surplus capacity and have people willing to drive for the money offered and make a sincere effort there's no reason not to take the K offer. But nobody in their right mind should go out there and procure a battalion size group of trucks them make promises to new operators you might not be able to keep.


Well-Known Member
Oh, I'm sure that this will have them shaking in their shoes. Rest assured, they're not going to remove Johnny Dollar Sign from his current position just because Spencer Patton's dog and pony show has come up with a new animal trick.


Staff member
Oh, I'm sure that this will have them shaking in their shoes. Rest assured, they're not going to remove Johnny Dollar Sign from his current position just because Spencer Patton's dog and pony show has come up with a new animal trick.
Investors care.


Staff member
All he has to do is to improve operating margins at Ground, perhaps even returning them to their lofty prior levels then he'll be there for as long as he wants.
Hard to do if the model falls apart.

And don’t underestimate how little goodwill the company has left. People are here for the money.

Full stop.


Well-Known Member
Appears Patton refuses to go gently into that good night.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Oh, I'm sure that this will have them shaking in their shoes. Rest assured, they're not going to remove Johnny Dollar Sign from his current position just because Spencer Patton's dog and pony show has come up with a new animal trick.
The purpose is to gather data for his legal defense. It’s to keep the story going in the media. The results will likely be a data point that contradicts John Smith’s claims that all is well in the Ground unit.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
That’s the FedEx way! Will it work though?
It’ll work for the guys that have decent contracts and hefty cash reserves. It won’t do anything to the ones hanging on by a thread and might even help them exit the network. They’ve taken away a lot of equity value with this move, so there’s not much for struggling contractors to stick around for.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Can you not answer the question without being sarcastic? I think you know we’re this is headed? It doesn’t look good does it?
Quite a few of the posters here have been making one stupid prediction after another -all of them negative- since you joined in 2014, and they were already well versed in that nonsense when I joined in 2009.

Express is going to an all PT workforce any day now... since 2010 or so. One guy even claimed to have access to all kinds of internal documents detailing every bit of it (that he never shared, of course). The launch date? September 2012, LOL! Every peak from 2014 onward was going to dwarf peak 2013 in terms of issues. Drones were going to take away all the couriers' jobs. FedEx was accused by the feds of knowingly and willingly working with illegal pharmacies to transport drugs, and all sorts of terrible things were going to happen (result: all charges dropped, company cleared of any wrongdoing). How many times were we on the brink of purchase by Walmart or Amazon? And aren't we due for another round of those? Or maybe Amazon is about to put us out of business by doing third party pickups and deliveries, that's always a popular one. And just over the last couple of weeks - no raises for anyone this year! And these are just the ones I can remember.

Does it look good? No, it's just the same old tripe that everyone will make a lot of noise about until it goes away and they find something else to get upset about with equally bad reasoning. Just like NFL team message boards.


Staff member
The purpose is to gather data for his legal defense. It’s to keep the story going in the media. The results will likely be a data point that contradicts John Smith’s claims that all is well in the Ground unit.
I think a counter suit would be more fitting. Might require FedEx to explain a good deal of their own half truths.