One of my fellow EAM drivers was let go on friday for peeing in the bushes near where we unload our EAM cans in the morning.
To give you a better idea of why he did this, I 'll explain our little EAM setup for you. We do not unload/load in a facility but in a vacant parking lot about 200 yards from our airport facility. They bring the cans over, we unload, sort, then load up and go. There are no houses around and it's on a dead end street with almost no traffic and a nice view of the airport.
One thing that I didn't get was why somebody saw him. I do EAMs, and when the Shuttle Driver gets back to my Hub at 6:30, its still dark outside. We do a mini-sort in front of the main overhead door and then hit the road. He could have easily took a whizz out of the light where no one could see him. Theres not to many people strolling around at that time of the morning to see stuff like this.