Fired SR employees


Well-Known Member
Hell, I worked with a guy who got a DUI; didn't report it. Tried to fight it and lost his license for a year; didn't report it and kept on working.

Management never pulled a license check or asked to see his license on a check ride. No one even knew for years that this guy worked as a courier, without a license and no one found out till the day he retired, almost a decade later.
Ridiculous! Best I got is a guy who had his license suspended for tickets. Few months later paid to reinstate it. Fedex checked it and saw the date he paid to reinstate it. He also lied like a rug about it. See ya pal. Too bad, he was a great worker.


Well-Known Member
...and if he does file and fails to disclose the DUI he will have to repay any benefits that he receives once the reason for his dismissal is made known...

We are required to report DWI/DUI's within 24 hours.

Not a DUI, but years ago, I worked with a guy who hurt his back, claimed he did it unloading containers on the docks. Was out for surgery, about four months if memory serves. Comes back to work, all is good. The company has a function one night, this guy gets drunk, and mentions to the owner that he actually got hurt in a bar fight. Owner told him he could repay all the W/C, or he would take him to court. Didn't put up a fight, paid it all back eventually.