First, They came for Freight now they are coming after RPCDs.

browned out

Well-Known Member
Methods are Methods. We are all trained in the methods and procedures. The problem is when UPS selectively enforces methods; and disciplines disparately.

For example, a driver forgets to service cross a few packages while another driver is speeding, is rolling stop signs and is running instead of walking. All 4 of these mistakes are method infraction violations. 3 are safety issues and 1 is a procedural issue. The only driver who receives discipline is the driver who forgot to service cross the pkgs. That's trouble for UPS.

The problem occurs when UPS retaliates against a driver because that driver is over-allowed, or retaliates against a driver who addresses safety concerns, retaliates against a driver who is advanced in age, retaliates against a driver with an ADA issue, retaliates against a driver who is active in the union, or UPS retaliates against a driver based on race or sex.

That is when grievances need to be filed. And then if not resolved; The NLRB, OSHA or other agencies need to be contacted.

UPS knows and has concrete records that prove package car drivers are speeding, rolling stop signs, and UPS even has the technology to show that drivers are running instead of walking at a brisk pace. (engine off, bulkhead opened, bulkhead closed, stop is 100 yards away, stop complete, car ignition on and rolling all in 15 seconds, etc.)

Yet; UPS does nothing to correct these hazardous behaviors.

This is where UPS technology and reports will get UPS into trouble if UPS continues to retaliate and discipline disparately.

Follow the methods.
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RolloTony Brown Town

Well-Known Member
The industry average is not a valid comparison. They are all professional freight drivers but UPS is a vastly more profitable company than the others. Here is kinda what we are dealing with here. Who gives a 'friend" what every one else makes? It is how much pressure you take everyday and how much your company makes.

Now take out domestic small package and supply chain and compare apples to apples.

UPS Freight is most definitely a player in the LTL community. Union carrier with not just good but the best wages in the LTL industry. That said UPS Freight is behind Fedex Freight, XPO Logistics, and Old Dominion and even YRC in the industry. Check the revenue numbers out there. 5th in the LTL sector.

Two Tokes

Give it to me Baby
How can they make your life miserable? They can only do what YOU allow them to get away with. We have plenty of contract language and "methods" to use against them to actually make THEIR lives miserable. 9.5 list+methods+full lunch&break+orion=lower stop counts. Imagine if even 1% of drivers messaged in for union assistance with the multiple over 70s we have to deliver everyday? Learn your contract front to back!

The only thing we need to fear is a weakened union or a lack of representation. Otherwise we have the power to make big changed with this company. Sadly, only 1% of the members know and follow the contract.
You are totally correct..... Especially with the over 70