LolFor a fee, plus travel expenses, Dave will transform you into the best driver the company has ever seen.
LolFor a fee, plus travel expenses, Dave will transform you into the best driver the company has ever seen.
Even though the consignee asked for the tags, giving it to them is a bad idea?
Ok. So, pulling up to a resi and scanning a call tag then pulling off is one of those ft driver things too?As a seasonal or cover driver? Yes.
As a FT bid driver? I did it all the time.
He is serious and, if the price is right, I will be on the next flight out.
Ok. So, pulling up to a resi and scanning a call tag then pulling off is one of those ft driver things too?
Seen it done a few
What are you talking about?Sorryhead depends on the hub
Check your information next time fool
insider joke, something that a peek driver wouldn't getWhat are you talking about?
insider joke, something that a peek driver wouldn't get
insider joke, something that a peek driver wouldn't get
Aren't we all peak drivers this time of the year?
Baba gounj. Did you get an A+ in cipher'n?
Because you sure aren't going to win a spelling bee.
My name is actually spelled the way I intendedHe was playing off of the OP's misspelling. TTKU.
Not until you have worked at least one full Peak season.
Did you write the definition for all words in the English vocabulary? Are you defining terms or is this your personal opinion?
Did you write the definition for all words in the English vocabulary? Are you defining terms or is this your personal opinion?
It is a definition based upon 29 Peaks.