Question about paid time off and raises for FT pkg drivers... I always assumed that the progression raises go according to your start date, but I know someone in another hub who says hes been driving thru 2 peaks already, hasnt been actually laid off but hasnt made book yet, and is still at 18.75... he will be hitting 2 years in just a couple of months. So, do they withhold your raises until you make book? or does progression start when u make book? because the contract states 12 months of EMPLOYMENT, nothing about seniority etc..
Same question with sick days, contract states 1 day after 4 mo. employment, 2 additional after 6 mos employment, and so on. I would assume you would have to be in the union to get the sick days, but lets say u make it in after 8 mos employment, do you now get those days you earned credited to you?