I usually agree with just about everything you post but this was an unfair blanket statement. It may apply to a couple cover guys in my center, but it also applies to a couple bid route guys.
I only cover 8-10 routes so all my commercial customers know me by name and many have said they prefer me to "the regular guy." It really shocks me how few commercial customers know "the regular guy"'s name(s). Just this morning the VP of a large scheduled pickup account came up to me and addressing me by name asked if there was someone he could call to get me to stay on the route permanently. I explained seniority and bidding and he was disappointed and thanked me for taking such good care of them.
There are a few routes that I know so well that not only do I know the customers by name--I know the names of their pets, where they and their spouse work, the names of their children, who has illnesses, which houses have the disabled folks who appreciate it when I leave their package up off the ground so they can reach it from their wheelchair, which customers need their chemo doses delivered ASAP so they can continue battling cancer...
I am a cover driver...I understand...and I care.