Well-Known Member
Great another trolling idiot. First we have"backroomdeals69" now we have some rogue scholar named "truckinandfuuckin69"All of these union dinosaurs are worried about taking an hour lunch. Meanwhile the company is making the job harder every year and the union is nowhere to be found when we harassed through horrible dispatches every day that only get worse. You guys want to sit in your poop brown colored trucks at 9pm and take your lunch and dutch oven yourselves for an hour thats your choice. These are the same guys that will work till they are 70 and be surprised that the union doesnt have any more pension money to pay you.
Both these "different" people blaming the union for their running and gunning and being taken advantage of. Both with the same 9pm end time. Yeah ok...
Damn Barney's.
Seriously if you have to put 69 in your name. You're already a loser.