20 NDA stops daily
It's funny coming back and rereading this whole thread over a year later. Things have changed but I still stand by my and soberups comments on this thread.
Over a year later and my center has now started to enforce the hour lunch with discipline. In years past it was only a flavor of the month thing, and I would only comply with the hour request for as long as they cared about it. Then it was back to just taking a 30 minute lunch until next year same time.
We're in the middle of a global pandemic, stop counts are at or even over peak season levels, and they are sending us out with 12-14 hour dispatches daily. And yet still they are forcing this hour lunch on us. IMO it's the clearest sign that they don't give a damn about our families or our time. I mean I know the company only cares about money but this action makes it crystal clear to me.
I've heard that it's the union who is forcing this hour lunch thing. That they 'fought' for an hour for us. My question is, did we collectively ask for that? I know I didn't. Was there some vote that I missed out on? Because as I said before, I am not interested in spending any more unpaid time at work. That is 30 minutes I could be home doing whatever I want.
As long as we have different locals, I know the rules will be different. As for my state, CA requires a 30 minute meal period for every 8 hour shift. I am fine with that and so was UPS and my local union up until earlier this year. I'd just like some real transparency so I can understand exactly what brought about this change. I suspect it's a money thing but I doubt I'll ever get the real answer.
Over a year later and my center has now started to enforce the hour lunch with discipline. In years past it was only a flavor of the month thing, and I would only comply with the hour request for as long as they cared about it. Then it was back to just taking a 30 minute lunch until next year same time.
We're in the middle of a global pandemic, stop counts are at or even over peak season levels, and they are sending us out with 12-14 hour dispatches daily. And yet still they are forcing this hour lunch on us. IMO it's the clearest sign that they don't give a damn about our families or our time. I mean I know the company only cares about money but this action makes it crystal clear to me.
I've heard that it's the union who is forcing this hour lunch thing. That they 'fought' for an hour for us. My question is, did we collectively ask for that? I know I didn't. Was there some vote that I missed out on? Because as I said before, I am not interested in spending any more unpaid time at work. That is 30 minutes I could be home doing whatever I want.
As long as we have different locals, I know the rules will be different. As for my state, CA requires a 30 minute meal period for every 8 hour shift. I am fine with that and so was UPS and my local union up until earlier this year. I'd just like some real transparency so I can understand exactly what brought about this change. I suspect it's a money thing but I doubt I'll ever get the real answer.