Edd O'Rion
Well-Known Member
correct me if I am wrong, but wouldn't the law state that employers must allow up to 1 hour lunch per 8 hours worked, not necessarily the employee MUST take an hour.
According to nolo.com, the law varies by state. My state, for example, requires a 30 minute lunch if working over 6 consecutive hours. Not all states follow that mandate. There is not a federal law for an hour lunch break, as I stated earlier. My apologies. I’m not sure why UPS insists on an hour. I know they’re going to deduct it regardless if you work over 8 hours, so you might as well take it. The FedEx guys I know have a timer on their handhelds. It shuts down (totally locks up) for an hour once they enter that they are eating.
My building hasn’t deducted an hour lunch from our day in years. It only takes off what you put in. If you’re not working, code in a lunch. If you’re on lunch, don’t work or drive. If they are taking an hour out, make sure you sit for an hour.