Forced to work Saturday Xmas eve?


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
It's very simple. Ups could staff properly. This is not on us, this is on management

We get to area right around 1030 every day due to leaving the building late. We are being "forced" to work Christmas Eve for the sake of providing the customer the service they pay for, yet every day I have 10 late air. Do you see the contridiction?
Serious question how do you expect them to train 50% of the workforce in 2 weeks? Because that's where we are headed. We will eventually have about half of our drivers as seasonals. And I know you're not ok with them working seasonals over full time drivers in October so they can get them trained.


Well-Known Member
Serious question how do you expect them to train 50% of the workforce in 2 weeks? Because that's where we are headed. We will eventually have about half of our drivers as seasonals. And I know you're not ok with them working seasonals over full time drivers in October so they can get them trained.
Plenty of full time guys are willing to take free days.

Also the vast majority of our season drivers have driven in years prior as season or are air drivers so there is no need to train them.

They could have trained a few more drivers but were busy giving guys on the 9-5 lists harassment aka ojs rides


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
It's very simple. Ups could staff properly. This is not on us, this is on management

We get to area right around 1030 every day due to leaving the building late. We are being "forced" to work Christmas Eve for the sake of providing the customer the service they pay for, yet every day I have 10 late air. Do you see the contridiction?
You're bitching about ups staffing properly then in your next breath advocating calling in. Great logic.


Well-Known Member
You're bitching about ups staffing properly then in your next breath advocating calling in. Great logic.
Proper staffing takes into account call ins, people get sick, family members die, and :censored2: happens.

Either way I'm done here, u guys can keep defending the company while they bend u over and use excuses to force 6 day work weeks and you to give up agreed upon contractual issues.

I can see through the ups fog. U guys have fun giving up your contractual right, I'll go down with a fight for those too scared to stand up to them.

Orion inc.

I like turtles
Load, car wash, unload pc.

Absolute bs, there will be many drivers who will be coming in 7 straight days due to this past Sunday being forced.

They (management) are just :censored2: off they had almost every driver work Sunday, and they are according to management "purposefully trying to run out of hours"

I'm gonna assume at least 50 drivers in my center will be there for their 7th straight report.

This year is nuts, idk if the local understands the complete lack of respect for personal time that's been happening in my hub, or if they just don't care

I'm looking at saturday as optional and depending on how I'm feeling I might come in for the extra money.

I'll be out of hours by 530 so I was told to be in building by 5. Our center is running Saturday but only by volunteers and they're using all helpers. So far our management team isn't being asses about it and they're getting support from the drivers for not doing the "force " rhetoric.

It's actually been a smooth peak so far but that's because they pulled all my resi work for remote helpers and I just do my business stops and pick ups. And those have been very heavy so far.

We have a few young, single guys who have volunteered for Saturday and for xmas eve. I won't be one of them and my center manager not only understands that. He respects it.

It's rare at ups though.


Staff member
I'll be out of hours by 530 so I was told to be in building by 5. Our center is running Saturday but only by volunteers and they're using all helpers. So far our management team isn't being asses about it and they're getting support from the drivers for not doing the "force " rhetoric.

It's actually been a smooth peak so far but that's because they pulled all my resi work for remote helpers and I just do my business stops and pick ups. And those have been very heavy so far.

We have a few young, single guys who have volunteered for Saturday and for xmas eve. I won't be one of them and my center manager not only understands that. He respects it.

It's rare at ups though.

BOG South?;)

Foamer Pyle

Well-Known Member
Isn't that when it started becoming the norm for us to work every Saturday during peak?

It was also said that UPS over hired that year. I'm sure there are centers that have spare capacity. Mine isn't one. 1/3 of our drivers can't park until the preload shift leaves. We have trucks being loaded everywhere, even away from the belts. We have them lined up in the aisles. Still maxing out hours.
I have worked 28 peaks, and have never been forced to work on Saturday. UPS runs lean on staffing all year long. I don't think anyone should be forced to work on Saturday.

Richard Harrow

At the PCM this morning our center manager mentioned that UPS is waiving the 60 hour rule and that we can now work 70 hours a week. We're still not allowed over 14 in one day, still need 10 & 34 hour resets, but if you worked 59 hours during the week and want another 11 on Saturday's between now and 1/15/17, let them know.

They are in for the shock of a lifetime come December 24th.

Its been 5 years since I've been able to enjoy that day with my family. I can tell you right now who won't be wearing Browns on that day...

Foamer Pyle

Well-Known Member
How can UPS waive the 60 hour rule? I thought that was a DOT regulation. I know they can only count the actual hours you drive, and you can work more hours inside.

harley vulkrie

Proper staffing takes into account call ins, people get sick, family members die, and :censored2: happens.

Either way I'm done here, u guys can keep defending the company while they bend u over and use excuses to force 6 day work weeks and you to give up agreed upon contractual issues.

I can see through the ups fog. U guys have fun giving up your contractual right, I'll go down with a fight for those too scared to stand up to them.

Dear Faceplanted, I am new here, but I like your attitude. Refreshing to see someone that has some guts to stand up for their rights. There's so many at my hub that just roll over and have no spine for their mistreatment by the company. I am technically a permanent part time employee (according to the HR guy that hired me) hired during peak season BUT management refers to me as seasonal. I am not in the union, not sure if i will be hired after probation and honestly don't care. THis place is a joke. I have already been warned by long time employees that the union stewards are in bed with management and if you ruffle any feathers you will have a target on your back. Doesn't really sound like a place I want to work at long term anyways. We are belittled and lied to on a consistant basis. The new hires at my hub all see thru the facade and many of them have left either mid shift, never returned or just called in to say they weren't coming back. Anyone with options will not tolerate the nonsense of this place. Merry Christmas


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I have worked 28 peaks, and have never been forced to work on Saturday. UPS runs lean on staffing all year long. I don't think anyone should be forced to work on Saturday.
You know we will be delivering full operation every Saturday of the year in less than 5 years right?