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I don't come in these forums because you all don't act like "brothers" on here but I'd really like to know why you red vestedheads think the way you are acting is in any way appropriate or professional.
I didn't have a real opionion in the TDU and the black vests before as I haven't done any research but the behavior of the H Sheeple is pushing me towards them.
Act the like elected professional union members you're supposed to be you D*!
Sheeple=@Lead BellyPS - my favorite moment from Vegas was when the TDU guy took off his vest to introduce his nominee and no one booed, hell the red vested Sheeple even cheered a little when he mentioned the nominee organized over a thousand new teamsters while he was a BA or principle officer or whatever.
And then the guy SMILED HUGE when he said "for the TDU slate" and the Sheeple tried to boo but we're so confused
They only respond to ques, or money, or both.
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