The Other Side i know A is retired in late 2007. So what are the years that A ran against H 4 times????? We will see if the Local 396 membership will have a short term memory about the contract or their insurance when they vote real soon. When Ron H is out there campaigning i want to hear his 12 years of experience that he's been office under his leadership the results of the 2 worst UPS contracts he negociated in Teamster History. Ron H should have stood by his members instead of being a Hoffa/Hall follower. Now that's being a real leader. The Other Side i've seen in your posts some of the corruption you've exposed as well if that continues and the lack of participation by the members in the next few contract there will more likely not be any more union. That's sad that a Full Time Feeder - Package car driver doesn't care about the Part Time to Full Time Progression and as a return of the favor in the 2nd round of the supplement voting those same part timers that wanted their raises and retro checks didn't care about the retirees that are going to get screwed i see Ron H has done a excellent job in dividing his membership up into pieces since he stabbed his good friend Danny Bruno in the back as well as Jim S. Will he stabbed

then Hoffa/Hall too to move up in the Union latter??? I"ll just say this Ron H is just a Sell Out along with his cronies that go along to just get along. If the G slate is reading this when you all start campaigning hit the Olympic building first since the Wilshire Center drivers are calling you out on facebook on a member's timeline that i saw on a member's phone. I don't have a facebook account yet. We will see what Fred Z has to say.
While, I am not sure how your post helps the conversation, go back and read what I wrote. It matters not all the emotion you seem to want to remind us all of.
This election comes down to mathematics and mathematics alone. VOTES are counted by "feelings". Yes, are people upset, ABSOLUTELY, will that translate into more votes, ??? NO.
Lets dispense with the Zuckerman issue. NOBODY outside the G camp even knows or understands who Zuckerman is. Ask any person in a UPS yard outside the G camp, and you will hear a resounding "WHO?"
What could Zuckerman possibly have to say to our members about G? He knows NOTHING about his performance as a Business Agent. Zuckermans influence on our local membership is amount to breeze in the wind. You hear it, but you dont pay any attention to it because its just air passing through.
This election comes down to two things, Can Ron hold his base that will vote for him no matter what, and can G bring enough outsiders into his camp to bring in the votes HE CANNOT get for himself.
All the other emotional recapping of events over the last two contracts is really a waste of time. WE ALL know the last two contracts were not in the members best interests, but that doesnt mean we put in a person(s) with ZERO experience to guide us through the next contract.
Hyperbolic Rhetoric isnt going to make people vote. Ron and I may be on different sides on issues currently affecting all of us, but Ron has the experience over G to at least maintain the status quo and not affect the membership negatively. The damage has already been done with the 2013 contract.
Nobody is talking about it any longer in the yards. Nobody cares enough.
Members have to decide on one premise only, If they get in trouble, and they should lose their job in the next three years, who do they have a better chance of getting their job back with, RON or G.
Who do you want in your corner?
Does G have the experience to pick up the phone and call the regional manager , division manager, labor managers and get a person his/her job back with a simple telephone, like I can, or Ron?
The answer is simple. NO.
If you want to be the first guinea pig in a G administration to lose his job and then have that job riding on his abilities alone, then you better start completing a new resume.
Look at ALL the stewards that G got fired when he was the business agent. Giving them all bad advice, getting them to act out , telling them he had their backs, only to watch them ALL lose their jobs.
I know one person very well, and he will come forward once the campaigning starts.
You dont know everything about G you THINK you know.