FT bid run getting bumped off


Well-Known Member
Each time file a grievance when pulled off your bid run. Have your steward with you and you say I'm requesting to run my route. If they say no, say I have to file a grievance, and will have to file one each time this happens. That way your steward witnessed this and you don't need to tell them each time. start writing everything down, who drove what, hours worked, person in management you spoke with,etc. They need to cross train the routes you are going to when they pull you off your bid route.

All of that is well and good but Steve, just like the rest of us, needs to work to pay his bills and feed his family.

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
All of that is well and good but Steve, just like the rest of us, needs to work to pay his bills and feed his family.

They can't fire you for filing a grievance. Any thing else is harrassment. (WAIT FOR IT!!!!) Guess what you file another. Sounds like you guys are cow tailing to you managers. Your all scared to death


Got the T-Shirt
All of that is well and good but Steve, just like the rest of us, needs to work to pay his bills and feed his family.

All the more reason, to "man up".

The company only knows his personal situation, because he told them or others.

Ups tries to "cull the herd", by looking for the weakest member.

Just say'n....



Well-Known Member
All of that is well and good but Steve, just like the rest of us, needs to work to pay his bills and feed his family.
Wow dude. I can't believe your a real person some times. This is the most flawed logic any employee can have and is why ups gets away with so much. Tons of guys in my center are scared to file because they will become a target. When I was younger I became a "target" and began to file harassment for every little thing they did. I also called hr after receiving wanting letters for the same things the ass kissers for a slap on the wrist for. Guess what? Now I can do my job in piece. I run good numbers and all I want to do is work do the safest best job I can and get home.

The Milkman

Well-Known Member
Those favors, although nice for the driver, also makes management believe they can skirt other contract language. I have stopped them from forcing or letting bid drivers off their routes a few times. They are not only violating the contract but also missing out on a golden opportunity to get another driver trained on a route.

I always figured that being told to work as directed, I may need a "Get out of Jail card" in the future. They could or would do something for me. I understand the way to train drivers is to put them out there and take their lumps. I battled, made noise and eventually it subsided. If you got along with your Ctr Mgr and on cars which for the most part I did throughout my time at UPS, then I made the most of it without making waves and having a bullseye on my back. No I did not enjoy it and the routes I did for over 8 years before I got a bid route were well known by me and some were cushy if you know what I mean. A 2 way street at times made life a bit more bearable while wearing brown. I was no brown nose and clearly let them know my position on the subject,I also did get a couple of so called Pardons in my earlier years for screwups which were I was not always 100% at fault..Some what to file a grievance and that is fine but I saw how UPS went after those who did and I would of rather avoided that type of treatment. I would at times have a frank talk with my MGR and sups telling them my concerns to them one to one. And as most of you know they came and went fairly often so relationships had to start all over again as the New Mgr would come in and callt he shots as he/she saw fit.
Like most of you I just wanted to go in, do my job and go home without the drama that at times we had no control over. Before going public there was certainly a different mindest amongst the Managers and sups. Now having to answer to shareholders instead of themselves has slowly eroded relationships between "US and THEM".....The gameplan has changed since 1981 when I started, so now you have to adjust your strategy with your daily walk with Big Brown