So, brett, do you think this is an insane act or is it just muslims being muslims?
Nice line!
So, brett, do you think this is an insane act or is it just muslims being muslims?
I'm still waiting for the full report, but I'm getting the impression that focusing on his religion/ethnicity is probably misguided. It's starting to sound like he had some serious issues and just snapped. The idea that he was a "mole" is flat out ridiculous if you actually think about it for more than a minute.
So, brett, do you think this is an insane act or is it just muslims being muslims?
I would agree. Boy, that doesn't say much for the psychiatric field tho. Here was a psychiatrist, who undoubtedly worked with other psychiatrists/doctors, and none of them noticed he was about to blow???
"and although this kind of behavior is not normal for the majority of the muslims of the world "
I'm not convinced of that. I think "kill the infidels" is the goal of every Muslim.
We keep hearing "it's not normal" , but these tragedies keep happening.
Fool me know the rest.![]()
This was a simple case of a muslim soldier not wanting to go overseas into a middle eastern country and be a part of a war he didnt believe in.
He was strong enough in his faith to not want to be a part of an occupying force dominating a muslim country and he just snapped.
Hey, maybe a stupid question,
does he get traid in military court, or state court ?
And, ofcourse , the death penalty. Do they apply to both systems ?
Mind you, for him, life sentence would be much harsher.
Why not stick to the facts of the case so far instead of the HYPERBOLE presented by FOX news?
This officer was about to be deployed, he has tried for months to get out of the service and was resisting being deployed to the middle east.
After months and months of trying, he just snapped.
There are many US soldiers who are facing this exact same situation all over this country. Fortunately, they dont snap and kill there comrades.
Instead, they are killing themselves.
Most of those are christians, so does that mean theres a religious connection to suicide and christianity??
This was a simple case of a muslim soldier not wanting to go overseas into a middle eastern country and be a part of a war he didnt believe in.
He was strong enough in his faith to not want to be a part of an occupying force dominating a muslim country and he just snapped.
If religion is all you want to focus on, then maybe you should petition the goverment to only hire christians.
Maybe you could start a movement "dont prey, dont tell"..??
This was tragic, yet the handwriting was on the wall for months and the chain of command failed those soldiers and civilians who lost there lives.
The army has to blame itself for this failure.
Indeed, the shooter shoulders all the blame and responsiblity for the end result, but the army shoulders the blame for not being able address this soldiers concerns before the act.
There are hundreds of muslims in the service, they are not "moles" but in fact recruited by the military for service in the middle east. Translators and having people on the battlefield who can connect with the muslims in battle is an important part of a war strategy.
Lets get over the FOX news hype of an AL Qaeda connection.
Most likely it will be a military trial since it occurred on a military base by a military officer against mostly other military personnel, but I am not well versed on military law so I could be wrong on that.
He can be tried either under the UCMJ (uniform code of military justice) or in federal court, the DOJ and the Pentagon will discuss it and decide which is the best way to handle it. The death penalty is available under either system.Hey, maybe a stupid question,
does he get traid in military court, or state court ?
And, ofcourse , the death penalty. Do they apply to both systems ?
Mind you, for him, life sentence would be much harsher.
He can be tried either under the UCMJ (uniform code of military justice) or in federal court, the DOJ and the Pentagon will discuss it and decide which is the best way to handle it. The death penalty is available under either system.