nice piece from a "piece". Just another right wing zealot trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.
He said this in his piece:
"This was a terrorist act. When an extremist plans and executes a murderous plot against our unarmed soldiers to protest our efforts to counter Islamist fanatics, it’s an act of terror. Period".
Look at all the exagerations in this paragraph.
1) Terrorist act
2) Extremist
3) Plans and Executes
4) Murderous Plot
5) Unarmed Soldiers
6) protests our efforts
7) counter islamic fanatics
1) All acts of violence in this country are acts of TERROR. Why is it, that only american muslims get "tagged" with terrorists?
There have been many "christians" who have committed acts of TERROR in this country against innocent americans (abortion clinic bombings, OK bombing, olympic bombings, church burings etc etc..)
These acts have ALL been committed by hardcore Christians, does this mean that all american christians are terrorists??
Is every crime committed by a christian then considered an act of terror?
Should we consider right wing christian activists as a terror group?
2) This writer has labeled him an "extremist". Seriously? Under what definition? What had he done prior to be labeled an extremist? If there was any proof that he was an extremist, how did the military fail to detect and respond to this. If he was an extremist as "labeled", then the blame falls on the military for failing the american people and the service personel who lost their lives.
3) This writer states that this major "planned and executed" an act of terror. Again, Seriously? Where are the facts to support this claim? This was a simple act of "violence", random in commision.
4) Murderous plot? Possibly the outcome he was thinking but in no way a "planned" act with any accuracy. He had to know that "armed" personel would simply step in at some point and stop him.
5) There were many "ARMED" personel around the area, both military and civilian policemen. Yes, he shot at most of the personel without arms but he also shot POLICEMEN before being shot himself.
6) This writer claims that the reason for this shooting was to protest our efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan? Seriously? Where has this been established. It is a "FACT" that he did not want to deploy to the middle east and tried to communicate this to his superiors. Indeed, he (according to witnesses) did not believe in the efforts of our occupations in both countries, but his actions cannot be attributed to the wars themselves as the "facts" point to something different.
7) Why is every muslim who tries to defend their country called an islamic fanatic? If there was an occupying force on american soil moving across this country, would we not "all" try to defend this country from that force?
If that occupying force was on our soil trying to change the way we live our lives, wouldnt "we" fight to the last man?, and if so, would that make us all "fanatics"? How about terrorists?
The use of the words
"islamic terrorists" or "islamic fanatics" is used to merely inflame the reader.
This article is merely a piece to INFLAME the reader into believing "non facts". Its intended for right wing readers who support the idea that all muslims are the evil of the earth. Its this kind of rhetorical nonsense that then goes on to cause other violence against innocent muslims living in this country.
The most typical person to take this article seriously would be the red neck with a gun and 100's of hours invested in Faux news.
Before any investigation has been completed, conducted or concluded, all the right wing nuts in broadcasting, print and radio have it all figured out.
An infiltrator made it into the US army, spent years of training on tax payers dollars only to have a net gain of 12 deaths among the thousands of soldiers and civilians on a military base on US soil.
What a plan!
Get serious AV8, you know nothing of human psychology.
In this country alone, the rate of suicide by psychologists and others in the same field are the HIGHEST in the world. Is it unusual for someone trained in psychiatry to kill themselves or commit an act of violence?
I find it amazing how many people are jumping to a conclusion merely because a TV station and a political party is trying to take a tragedy and turn it into a political football to be kicked around.
AV8, next time, link something of value. I doubt that you can.