Hey D***figtree,
Didn't you retire ??? Why are you starting trouble ?

Reminds me of the VP who said at a planning meeting that wasn't going so well, slamming his fist on the table, "Damn it. If they want it there tomorrow they should have shipped it yesterday". He thought NDA was a stupid idea. Stupid is as stupid does. Enjoy your day. D Harry


Well-Known Member
Hey D***figtree,
Didn't you retire ??? Why are you starting trouble ?

Happily retired, thank you. Starting trouble? I don't think my last post started any trouble. It was a true story. And, it was not mean spirited.

For the record, anybody can post on this board. It is not a UPS board and more to the point, it is not your board. There are rules, such as not identifying the members. I cannot imagine your motivation for "outting" me, but since everyone in NJ IS knows who I am, you accomplished nothing but extrating a good chuckle out me.

I pray that your anger subsides and that you enjoy your day.

D Harry
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What I find most entertaining about this thread is how the sheep come out to defend current management to the end.

Here's some logic for you. Regardless if you're unhappy with the management, or happy, isn't the fact that people have to result to airing their grievances here a sign that something is seriously wrong? While we all pretend to go about our work on a day to day basis, we waste our time defending or attacking the current management structure here. If there was a chance for true honesty on a day to day basis we wouldn't be here arguing or making our comments. We'd have the ability to air our grievances with management without the fear of having things made harder for us.

And before someone tows the company line and says "there is the ability to have a honest and open forum" or starts talking about the open door policy, I can count a number of people no longer with the company that will disagree that point. The people that opened their mouth and attempted to talk about the issues are no longer with the company. Some by their own choice, and some because they got the hint they were no longer wanted.

Oversize, you mentioned how spineless I am, or how spineless others on this board are. Are we really spineless for talking here? The same could be said of you, since you're hiding behind your name, just like others. There's a fine line between spinelessness and talking in true anonymity.

I would say that the opinions and feelings here are more true than that ERI we filled out.

Happily retired, thank you. Starting trouble? I don't think my last post started any trouble. It was a true story. And, it was not mean spirited.

For the record, anybody can post on this board. It is not a UPS board and more to the point, it is not your board. There are rules, such as not identifying the members. I cannot imagine your motivation for "outting" me, but since everyone in NJ IS knows who I am, you accomplished nothing but extrating a good chuckle out me.

I pray that your anger subsides and that you enjoy your day.

D Harry


Well-Known Member
Would you rather go back to the days of B.L. or J.N. ......??? I don't !!!
I think things have improved and are heading in the right direction.
I know that it doesn't happen over night and i know that anyone can sign on this board and air their feelings. I just know that if you are not happy in what you are doing why stay ? i thought of leaving several times when B.L. was the PM and i changed my thinking when the new team arrived.
I think he is a Mgr first, loyal to the company and his people and then a bean counter.

I have never been turned away from his office and have had interesting discussion with him about our company and what can be done to improve morale in his Portfolio.

I am not a sheep and find it offensive to be called one because I like what is going on.

I guess if you don't vote Democrat you are either a racist or chauvinistic with logic like that !!!!!

What I find most entertaining about this thread is how the sheep come out to defend current management to the end.

Here's some logic for you. Regardless if you're unhappy with the management, or happy, isn't the fact that people have to result to airing their grievances here a sign that something is seriously wrong? While we all pretend to go about our work on a day to day basis, we waste our time defending or attacking the current management structure here. If there was a chance for true honesty on a day to day basis we wouldn't be here arguing or making our comments. We'd have the ability to air our grievances with management without the fear of having things made harder for us.

And before someone tows the company line and says "there is the ability to have a honest and open forum" or starts talking about the open door policy, I can count a number of people no longer with the company that will disagree that point. The people that opened their mouth and attempted to talk about the issues are no longer with the company. Some by their own choice, and some because they got the hint they were no longer wanted.

Oversize, you mentioned how spineless I am, or how spineless others on this board are. Are we really spineless for talking here? The same could be said of you, since you're hiding behind your name, just like others. There's a fine line between spinelessness and talking in true anonymity.

I would say that the opinions and feelings here are more true than that ERI we filled out.


Well-Known Member
open door policy.

open door policy ??? That's an unban legend. The policy book contains no such policy.

But, the vast majority of managers, even the ones I have dissed in the past, will spend time to listen to a direct report's rant. When a manager answers the phone while you are chatting, then you have reason to feel emotional.

Even so, my recommendation as an X-manager (and a damn good one I have been told) is to blow it off. Go home. Kiss your wife and kids and do whatever makes you happy.

Don't sweat the little things.


the good ones speak up and are shipped out, or leave when they get fed up enough :sad-little:

Happy Valentines Day to all
did anyone get thorny roses delivered to them today? :happy-very:


This person tried to give you more, we don't allow full names posted here. Would you want yours?

hay scratch
do you know that thourny rose is someones name and Don is someones names...so how come Dan is not ok or Neil is bad?


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
hay scratch
do you know that thourny rose is someones name and Don is someones names...so how come Dan is not ok or Neil is bad?

I will allow first names and the last initial. Someone was posting anonymously and named the full first and last name of an individual. From a PM I received, that person guessed completely wrong. This forum has a lot of people posting anonymously in it. I can understand this since I am guessing that most of you are salaried. Some of you are posting using different names each time. So I am suspicious a little on the motives behind some of these posts. If more of you would register as members, your posts would be public immediately and you could use our private message feature to contact each other. Please don't post last names on here.



it's hey, not hay- and thorny, not thourny - and didn't you learn in 1st grade that the first letter of names should always be capitalized?

thorny rose is not someone's name, it's a description of a flower

if you've read through these threads you would see 'creative' ways people post names.

and if you think people named N*** and/or D** are posting here, get some courage, get a REAL id, and send a PM to whomever you think is 'really' D** and/or N***.
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Well-Known Member
I thought I got screwed over, Mary H is back in billing and they demoted her from Systems Manager to Project Leader. George H only went from Systems Manager to Project Manager. The really tough part to take is that if you are not yet 55 you can't even retire maintain, your pension at the same level and and get the RSU units.


another year, and more demotions, similar to last year. it's a trend folks so get used to it. no one will be spared, NO ONE, not even the YES men (and women), or the managers who know what they are doing to their direct reports is wrong, yet do it anyway, out of fear for their own jobs.

many of these managers walk around with blinders on, only concerned with getting ahead.

always remember to treat people with respect as you climb the ladder of success, because there may come a time when you will be climbing back down and facing those very same people!

as Jim Casey once said, “treat your people well and the company will flourish.”


anyone hear about a CIO directive to trim a whole lot of $$$ from the I.T. budget??


Well-Known Member
I have never been a overy religious person but I think that there is one thing in the Bible that that everyone should remember and we would all be much better off. "Do unto others as you would have then do unto you" the golden rule which is not just in Cristianity but many other religions.

All of this started happening since we went public so how is it anything other than pure corporate greed.

an anonymous guest

Hey budget....I was in IT many years...what year was there not a CIO directive to conserv e costs?



Well-Known Member
I was at the Dublin pub on St Pat’s , it was elbow to elbow of course. There was a guy there who was really pissed because the town of Morristown has a law that says that you can’t sell shots of anything on St Pattys’s day. This means that you can not have a shot of Jameson’s Irish whiskey which as anyone can tell you, is an absolute insult to the drunkards of the world, most of which are Irish. Alcohol is Gods way of keeping the Irish from Invading and conquering the World.


Well-Known Member
The latest story about Mary H is that she took a demotion from System Manager to Project leader because she did not like the drive to Mahwah. She could pay someone to drive every day and still be making more as a Systems Manager.

It seems that if you are high enough up on the food chain they will move you out of the building you are in so that while they torture you into taking a demotion your friends don't have to witness your total meltdown. For some poor slug like me, they will do it right in front of your friends and not even bother to make up a story.


and don't forget the ones who didn't want any part of the demotion BS and chose to resign instead...remember those folks? they're the ones who left for better offers with companies that insisted they leave UPS immediately !!