Gas Prices


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
I've put more miles on my bike than my car in the last few weeks, and can get where I need to go faster. Try it, you might like it.


Strength through joy
Global Oil Production Trouble - Its not just Iran
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- All the attention may be on a loss of oil from Iran these days, but production outages in a variety of spots worldwide is causing about one million barrels of oil a day to sit on the sidelines, helping push oil and gas prices to near record highs.
"There are always disruptions, but when the market is this tight, they have an impact," said Daniel Yergin, IHS CERA Chairman and author of "The Quest: Energy, Security, and the Remaking of the Modern World." "It would be better for the economy if these barrels were there."
South Sudan: Roughly 350,000 barrels of oil are offline due to a flare-up in violence in the African country.
Libya: Oil production in the war-torn country has rebounded faster than expected.
During the hostilities, all of the nation's 1.6 million barrels of daily production was halted.
Libyan production has since resumed to 1.3 million barrels a day, although 300,000 barrels a day remain shut-in.
Syria: About 230,000 barrels are offline in Syria thanks to the fighting in the country.
Yemen: Nearly 140,000 barrels of oil are unavailable.
The North Sea: Over 100,000 barrels a day are offline due to maintenance, pipeline problems and weather in the notoriously harsh region.
Canada: Up to 50,000 barrels a day have been lost in Canada as a result of various equipment problems with machines that turn the oil sands into usable forms of crude oil.
Paul Horsnell, head of commodities research at Barclays Capital, said at a Senate hearing on gas prices last week. "Over 1 million barrels a day in non-OPEC production is out unexpectedly. That is a significant feature of the current market."


golden ticket member
How can the prices possibly be going up? TOS says we're all stupd and blind and they are going down. In this case, we are the 99% !!(the ones who see the gas prices rising)


golden ticket member


Strength through joy
[h=1]Gas Prices Will Spike Higher Through Spring[/h]Demand for gasoline tends to drop off in winter. That makes it the perfect time for refineries to get ready for summer, when the objective is to produce as much fuel as possible. The catch is that the refining industry's version of spring cleaning causes supplies to shrink and prices to rise. To be specific:

_ Refineries need major maintenance once every four years, on average. On a practical level, that means one-fourth of the nation's refining capacity is temporarily shut down in the first quarter of every year. Because the U.S. has half the number of refineries it did in 1980, a delay in getting one or two back up and running has a greater impact than in the past.

_ To comply with the Clean Air Act and limit smog, refiners have to make a special blend of gasoline that doesn't easily evaporate in the warm summer air. The fuel is 5 to 15 cents a gallon more expensive to make because of raw material costs.

_ The nationwide fuel supply can't be transformed overnight. Between April 1, when refiners must start making the summer blend, and June 1, when retailers have to be selling it, supplies become uncertain, and prices at the pump rise.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
$7 Gas Hits CA's Catalina Island...

PSST... I know you wouldnt have the first clue about fuel on Catalina island, but its ALWAYS at the 6.50 cent range! YOU HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO PAY THE HIGH PRICE!!

Where else are you going to fuel up in Avalon!

Dont be a putz. I make regular trips to catalina and this is not NEWS.

Its amazing how you and a certain someone try to make mountains out of molehills. TRY TRAVELING the country and see what fuel prices cost in remote areas. Try for instance NEEDLES where fuel at the pump is at 5 bucks for regular unleaded and 6 bucks for premium!

You can try to use this in your attempts to freak everyone out, but a real traveler knows better. How about the grand canyon? Why not go on a rampage on what fuel costs at the north rim!!

Silly rabbit, tricks are for kids.




golden ticket member
PSST... I know you wouldnt have the first clue about fuel on Catalina island, but its ALWAYS at the 6.50 cent range! YOU HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO PAY THE HIGH PRICE!!

Where else are you going to fuel up in Avalon!

Dont be a putz. I make regular trips to catalina and this is not NEWS.

Its amazing how you and a certain someone try to make mountains out of molehills. TRY TRAVELING the country and see what fuel prices cost in remote areas. Try for instance NEEDLES where fuel at the pump is at 5 bucks for regular unleaded and 6 bucks for premium!

You can try to use this in your attempts to freak everyone out, but a real traveler knows better. How about the grand canyon? Why not go on a rampage on what fuel costs at the north rim!!

Silly rabbit, tricks are for kids.


I thought everybody walks or drives the golf carts there!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I thought everybody walks or drives the golf carts there!

DUH... Thus the reason fuel is so expensive. There are two filling stations in Avalon, mostly for boats, and if you want to get back to the mainland, you will pay 9 dollars a gallon!

Catalina was a lame attempt at creating hysteria over fuel.

When Oil goes down under 4 bucks a gallon, AVALON will still be in the 6 dollar range, so lets not try to kid anyone.




The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
When it comes to fuel, Obama is for "all of the above" and none of the below !!!


Again, another DOWN day for OIL, almost at 100 bucks a barrel..... almost down 2 bucks today. Over the next few weeks, you will not have this thread to bash on when oil continues to decline. Better find a new source of negativity to spread.





golden ticket member

Again, another DOWN day for OIL, almost at 100 bucks a barrel..... almost down 2 bucks today. Over the next few weeks, you will not have this thread to bash on when oil continues to decline. Better find a new source of negativity to spread.



The key question is....what did you pay at the pump ?????????????????????????????? If it never translates to the pump, we never get a break from the high prices. Keep looking through your rainbow glasses atop your unicorn!!