Gas Prices


Für Meno :)
Actually, Klein, if the republicans get into office, the price will lower I bet.

Only if they do the same thing as Bush did and drive the US into a deep recision, otherwise you are wrong.
I have read (and maybe even posted) , a news link (BBC or CBC), that under a republican government the US dollar always lowers in value (it's on record and facts).
A lower US dollar would instantly mean higher commoditie prices, including oil and gold.


bella amicizia
Only if they do the same thing as Bush did and drive the US into a deep recision, otherwise you are wrong.
I have read (and maybe even posted) , a news link (BBC or CBC), that under a republican government the US dollar always lowers in value (it's on record and facts).
A lower US dollar would instantly mean higher commoditie prices, including oil and gold.
I think the 'cronie' factor has more weight. They need gas prices low to keep us happy. We shall see, but I think if Romney wins, gas will be back to $2 a gallon. Just a guess.
I think the 'cronie' factor has more weight. They need gas prices low to keep us happy. We shall see, but I think if Romney wins, gas will be back to $2 a gallon. Just a guess.

You're talking commodities with a guy who thinks lottery tickets are a retirement plan.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I always wonder why people think or believe that if the GOP was in office gas prices would go down. When did that happen? Did it go down for BUSH before the collapse of the nation? Nope, 400% increase. Did it go down for BUSH 1? NOPE, increased again. Did it go down with Reagan? NOPE again, largest increase in oil prices at the time. Did it go up for Clinton? NOPE. Price per barrel stabilized for 8 years.

Now, the people who were screwed the most by the GOP leaders in big oil still believe that if they put them back in office oil prices would go down. Thats funny.

What about the BUSH administration and Cheneys connections to big oil.... (from the article)

The Energy Policy Act of 2005 has come to be known as the “Dick Cheney energy bill,” but there’s one provision that is so closely identified with the former vice president that it has become known as the “Cheney loophole.” The provision in question, Section 322, exempted hydraulic fracturing, a drilling process invented by Halliburton commonly known as “fracking,” from the Safe Drinking Water Act.

Cheney’s Culture of Deregulation and Corruption

What about Reagans contribution to todays high oil prices? When he "deregulated" oil and removed price controls, everything that was warned of at the time has come true, and yet, people still think the GOP is their friend at the pumps.
Rich Jaroslovsky: Reagan And Big Oil | The New Republic

What is it about the GOP that is so attractive? They want lesser paying jobs, no healthcare for employees, no pensions, no manufacturing in the USA, no unions jobs, no minimum wage, no social security, no medicare, no free lunch for the poorest and hungriest of american kids, no college assistance and higher fuel prices and yet, PEOPLE STILL VOTE FOR THEM?

Are guns and God that important to trump all of the above?

Reagan screwed all of us at the pumps. He removed all the price controls on oil and how did that work out for us?

I have a question for him "am i better off today at the pumps than when he took office and i was paying 65 cents a gallon?"

Clearly, the answer is NO.




Für Meno :)
$2 a gallon will shut down all pipelines heading south to the USA from Alberta.
Oil sand are not profitable anything under $70 a barrell = a minimum of around $3.00 per gallon.

Keep dreaming.


Well-Known Member
I'm dreaming of $6 dollar gas.

Long XOM and COP

^^ That dream would have already been realized by now if our "government" wasn't playing puppeteer with the economy.


Strength through joy
I too would like to see high gas prices this summer.
Mostly to enjoy the quietness on the ocean waters without those pesky jet skis and extremely loud muscle boats.


Well-Known Member
gorgeous1, I have no idea who you are or what your agenda is but I think you need to rethink what you are trying to do here. It is one thing to debate the issues--it is clearly another to accuse someone of infidelity. Posts such as yours add little to the discussion here. Dave.


Für Meno :)
Now, this is a reason I like high oil prices !

Canada trade surplus rises despite oil-price dip

Thu, 10 May, 2012 1:12 PM EDT

OTTAWA (Reuters) - The value of Canada's imports and exports both dipped in March on weaker energy prices, but analysts said growing export volumes meant the outlook for trade was brighter than it looked.

Statistics Canada said on Thursday the trade surplus rose to C$351 million ($351 million) from $273 million in February as imports declined at a faster rate than exports.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Drill baby Drill?? Seriously? Oil inventories today hit the highest level of supply in 22 years!!!! YAY OBAMA!

Why drill when we have plenty? Why are we still paying top dollar if our inventories are at record levels? What happened to the supply and demand theory the GOP is always pushing?

Oil Extends Drop After U.S. Supplies Increase to 22-Year High - Yahoo! Finance

Like the OPEC nations said, they would crash the oil prices down to 70 bucks a barrel and its on the way. Today under 90 bucks a barrel, yet we are still historically high with exceeding supply.

The oil companies and the refiners should all be prosecuted for gouging the american public.




golden ticket member
The stories say gas is dropping like cazy.........but not for me at the pumps.O.C. average $4.283 per gallon.



Well-Known Member
$3.37 yesterday

Just checked Gas Buddy and on east side of Atlanta several stations at $3.25 and in my area dropped again overnight with most around the $3.35 mark. If gas goes below $3 a gallon mark, I would think this to be a psychological barrier and that would bode well for Obama. We'll see.