Gas Prices


Strength through joy
Maybe that's why alot of you are so sensitive to the "race card". You really don't know what racism is but you assume it can't apply to you.

I'm a white male , who has never had free education , free housing, EBT cards , free clothing allowances , nor a public job just handed to me because of my race.
Oh, I only speak my native tongue , so that makes me a foreigner in my own neighborhoods.


Well-Known Member
Well, it's just what black people do.

I knew where he was going but I also could see he wasn't honest enough to call a N##### a N#####!

And they claim us southerners are racists! GEEZ! At least we southerners were finally honest enough to admit that many reactions were a result of ours actions that we took first. And that's a start.

Hell, now I want Obama to paint the White House black just to see people like Baba go off! I'd even take vacation and volunteer with no pay to be one of the painters.

Viva La Revolucion!


Staff member
I'm a white male , who has never had free education , free housing, EBT cards , free clothing allowances , nor a public job just handed to me because of my race.
Oh, I only speak my native tongue , so that makes me a foreigner in my own neighborhoods.
I'm a half black/half white male who has put himself through college but then needed government assistance for drug and alcohol treatment including food stamps and paid housing at an inpatient treatment facility. I don't know if I was hired because of the color of my skin (I wouldn't rule it out), but I'm certain I am retained because I do a damn good job. I too only speak American. Guess what? I am just as much an American as you are. I am grateful for the help I was given and don't begrudge that help being offered to others.


golden ticket member
My "begrudging" comes when a fellow with 30 kids by 11 different women can't take care of them and my tax money has to. (true story on the news yesterday)

I understand "a leg up" but I don't understand total dependence on Uncle Sam when you are able-bodied and just too lazy!!

We had food stamps in between jobs right before he got hired at UPS....for about 3 months. It was a help we needed and we were grateful.....(tips from waitressing were not great).We also paid taxes before getting laid off. But we knew it was only temporary and were anxious to get off the rolls real quick.


golden ticket member
This morning I had to drive by my local gas station to see what the prices were for the holiday weekend........$4.33 for reg. !!

That's what I paid when oil was $20 more a barrel.....they are fast to increase the prices as barrel prices rise, but oh so slow to ever reduce it !!


Für Meno :)
Ours dropped another 5 cents per litre yesterday night. That's around 17cents per gallon less now.
It works out to $3.77/gallon.


Staff member
This morning I had to drive by my local gas station to see what the prices were for the holiday weekend........$4.33 for reg. !!

That's what I paid when oil was $20 more a barrel.....they are fast to increase the prices as barrel prices rise, but oh so slow to ever reduce it !!
That's the "free market" we all cherish so much. Supply and demand is only one law of economics and not always the one companies want to employ.


Well-Known Member
My "begrudging" comes when a fellow with 30 kids by 11 different women can't take care of them and my tax money has to. (true story on the news yesterday)

I understand "a leg up" but I don't understand total dependence on Uncle Sam when you are able-bodied and just too lazy!!

We had food stamps in between jobs right before he got hired at UPS....for about 3 months. It was a help we needed and we were grateful.....(tips from waitressing were not great).We also paid taxes before getting laid off. But we knew it was only temporary and were anxious to get off the rolls real quick.

Something about that story sounded real familiar, especially the guy fathering 30 kids and all on welfare part. So I racked my brain, did a little bit of searching and yep, sure enough it's true and I found out about the slimball. Here's the skinny:

Polygamy and Welfare Fraud Statistics

While certainly not responsible for all cases of welfare fraud, the link between polygamy and welfare fraud should not be ignored. Although the Mormon faith outlawed polygamy in 1890, there are still large numbers of people who practice plural marriages because they are reluctant to condemn the beliefs held by their ancestors and revered church prophets.
In Utah, a state which has large numbers of Mormons who believe in polygamy, some towns report that more than 50% of families are receiving public assistance. Since polygamy is illegal, many women collect welfare benefits for their children by claiming they are unmarried and do not know the whereabouts of the child's father. Intermarriage is common among people who practice polygamy. This leads to a higher-than-average rate of children born with Down syndrome or other disabilities requiring special care and higher government benefit payments.

Tracking down all cases of welfare fraud relating to polygamy is a difficult task, but the results can be astonishing. In 2001, for example, Utah polygamist Tom Green was sentenced to five years in prison as part of a crackdown on plural marriages. It was reported that Green had 30 children who were receiving welfare fraudulently at a cost of more than $150,000.

To further complicate the situation, Green was also part of a large group of polygamous Mormons who refuse to file income tax returns as a form of protest. During his trial, it was reported he had not submitted a return in 10 years.


I bet I know who these mormons will vote for in November. Say Moreluck, aren't you supporting the same guy too?


Well-Known Member
Something about that story sounded real familiar, especially the guy fathering 30 kids and all on welfare part. So I racked my brain, did a little bit of searching and yep, sure enough it's true and I found out about the slimball. Here's the skinny:


I bet I know who these mormons will vote for in November. Say Moreluck, aren't you supporting the same guy too?

Someone seems a little butt hurt the American people were too smart to be fooled by Ron Paul and his minions.


golden ticket member
Someone seems a little butt hurt the American people were too smart to be fooled by Ron Paul and his minions.
When I lived in Utah (twice), our tax money did pay for all those fundamentalist mormon kids..that's how those sects make money to survive. However, what they do (polygamy) is illegal but they stil collect money as single mothers.
You talk like this is a Mormon's an off-shoot of the LDS church and the most recent television pligs were shown fleeing Utah and moving to Nevada because the cops hassled them in Lehigh.

You too pay for these the ones in Mexico who are nieces & nephews of illegal aliens and the kids don't even live in the U.S. and never have, yet they get taxpayer bucks.

Most of the normal mormons have a self supporting society and many stay away from welfare and get food & help from the church and their canneries..

The mormons you speak of are not the LDS church of Romney and they practice the principle which the main church let go of when Utah became a state..

Oh and don't forget, you are still paying for all those kids I first mentioned....30 from one guy who thinks he's Johnny Appleseed.

I can't figure out why when Mormon is mentioned, you go right to polygamy. It's like mentioning a white guy and someone thinking , oh a slave owner.

It was in 1896 when polygamy was outlawed in Utah.......keep up with the times. You seem to know all the marvelous histories about everythng....why are you brain-blocked in this area?


Well-Known Member
Someone seems a little butt hurt the American people were too smart to be fooled by Ron Paul and his minions.

Please keep those thoughts for as long as you can because I like it that way. Makes certain you'll never figure me out or see me coming and that works to my advantage!


Well-Known Member
Back to the topic of gas, just paid $3.30 per gallon. Wife fueled up the 42 gallon Suburban beast yesterday and paid $2.95 with the Kroger discount. Seeing the price of gas actually drop overnight on a Memorial Day weekend sure seems a positive to me.


golden ticket member
Back to the topic of gas, just paid $3.30 per gallon. Wife fueled up the 42 gallon Suburban beast yesterday and paid $2.95 with the Kroger discount. Seeing the price of gas actually drop overnight on a Memorial Day weekend sure seems a positive to me.
Still $4.33 here today, so the West isn't getting the relief you speak of and I heard that mentioned yesterday on the news.

If I drive up the I-5 a short way, there are several refineries....I don't get it.......if the gas there got shipped to Nevada, it's less. Makes no sense to me.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
oil per barrel down to 88.19 a barrel as of 730am pst this morning. Oil continues to crash towards 70 bucks a barrel. Now if only the goverment would investigate california refiners for closing at the same time and running supply down in order to spike prices back up to 3.40 a gallon before turning the spickets back on and giving us 2 cents every 3 days.

Oil may hit 87 dollars a barrel by the end of trading today.

So much for fox spews hope for 5 bucks a gallon nationally, and the drones who were wishing along side of them.

