Gas Prices

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
And still the faithful continue to watch FOX SPEWS for its FAIR AND BALANCED REPORTING>>> BAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

BAIER: I want to point out last night I said about Fox News polls that the majority of people believe that the gas prices are to blame - President Obama is to blame for the gas prices. This is the actual Fox News poll. Yes, to blame 40 percent; No, 52 percent. I was thinking of the CBS/New York Times poll. Can the president control the price of gas? Can do a lot about it, 54 percent; Beyond control, 36 percent. Or Gallup, can the president and Congress control rising price of gas? Yes, can control 65 percent; No, beyond control 31 percent. I apologize for the mix-up.


UPDATED: Fox Misreports Inconvenient Poll Results On Gas Prices | Media Matters for America

NAH, FOX misleading its watchers?



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
So what are you trying to say about the president and controlling the price of oil? Do you think the President controls or can influence the price of oil?

What I am saying is that FOX SPEWS IS A LYING PIECE OF CRAP as they continue to use phoney graphs, give phoney information as to keep its base in TOW. People who have it on for "background" noise then repeat it someplace for everyone else to hear.

So far, this president has INCREASE domestic drilling to a point where we have HUGE surpluses of OIL in this country and for the first time since 1949 we are exporting more oil and diesel than we are importing.

IN addition, because this president asked out domestic auto makers to increase fuel economy, the populace is responding and consumption is dropping partly because of the higher efficient cars on the road. Fewer and fewer large cars are seen on our highways as smaller high efficiency cars are replacing them.

What really controls oil is greed. Greed wiped out the USA under BUSH, and it attempted to do it under OBAMA, but greed is failing.

People see what is happening and who is controlling the future of american oil.




golden ticket member
The first point you bring up is "Fox spews".....well we all knew it was either going to be that, or someone's a maroon or stupid!


Well-Known Member
The first point you bring up is "Fox spews".....well we all knew it was either going to be that, or someone's a maroon or stupid!

I don't know why I bother with TOS. You ask a simple question and TOS will do anything but answer that question. It's amazing that TOS indicates I just Spew out what Faux news says and I don't even watch it. All I know is if TOS hates it that much, I should start to watch it.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I don't know why I bother with TOS. You ask a simple question and TOS will do anything but answer that question. It's amazing that TOS indicates I just Spew out what Faux news says and I don't even watch it. All I know is if TOS hates it that much, I should start to watch it.

Everyone on this board wants to deny they watch FOX SPEWS or listens to RUSH LIMBAUGH, yet repeat almost word for word, everything both of them say everyday. NOT one of you will announce what you listen to, and most of you ACT like you post your own opinions.

You asked me a question while quoting what I said. I clarified what I said in the quote. Then, i explained my opinion on controlling prices.

Everyone of you is afraid to admit you listen to either program and I find that amuzing.



UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I don't know why I bother with TOS. You ask a simple question and TOS will do anything but answer that question. It's amazing that TOS indicates I just Spew out what Faux news says and I don't even watch it. All I know is if TOS hates it that much, I should start to watch it.

This is what my brain sees when I read TOS posts.


Well-Known Member
So what are you trying to say about the president and controlling the price of oil? Do you think the President controls or can influence the price of oil?

You asked me a question while quoting what I said. I clarified what I said in the quote. Then, i explained my opinion on controlling prices.


TOS.. You are wrong again... I didn't quote you. I asked you a simple question. In short "Do you think the president controls the price of oil" Simple question. You didn't answer that question. If I asked do you agree with Fox News? or do you like Fox news? then you would have answered that question.

As to where do I get information? A variety of sources. I mainly read finance articles so I read the Wall St Journal, USA Today. I also search the web for an article if I find something interesting. When I do see somethign I find interesting, I will google that topic to read more articles. I don't watch much news on the tv at all. (Other then popping on to check the weather occasionally). I also check out espn routinely. Have I ever watched fox news? Sure.. Do I routinely watch it NO. Have I ever watched CNN, sure, Do I routinely watch it NO. I'll mainly watch it if while I'm flipping channels something seems interesintg. I find watching TV takes up too much time and I'd rather spend it doing something or with my kids.


Well-Known Member
I watch Cardinal baseball and nascar on Fox sports- is that what you want?
Does that make me an evil Republican sports fan?
How can any of us ever be as intelligent as you?
You're, like, amazing dude.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
GAS is 3.60 in my town! woohoo! if we subtract local, state, and federal taxes, gas per gallon is near 2.85 here in southern california.




UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
GAS is 3.60 in my town! woohoo! if we subtract local, state, and federal taxes, gas per gallon is near 2.85 here in southern california.




High gas tax... the state part is the result of your democratic state legislature's inability to control cost and spend - spend - spend - spend on state pensions. Your californian neighbors who live near our Arizona border come over here to buy gas because we are an efficiently run government that can keep our taxes down and provide cheaper fuel alternatives.

Please note: In your comeback to this post, please interject and tie my statement into a racist and or bigoted vail. I want to see how much ingenuity you possess. This is a challenge. Are u up to it?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
High gas tax... the state part is the result of your democratic state legislature's inability to control cost and spend - spend - spend - spend on state pensions. Your californian neighbors who live near our Arizona border come over here to buy gas because we are an efficiently run government that can keep our taxes down and provide cheaper fuel alternatives.

Please note: In your comeback to this post, please interject and tie my statement into a racist and or bigoted vail. I want to see how much ingenuity you possess. This is a challenge. Are u up to it?

That pile of dirt you call home is half the size of California in terms of population and needs. NO comparision.




Well-Known Member
High gas tax... the state part is the result of your democratic state legislature's inability to control cost and spend - spend - spend - spend on state pensions. Your californian neighbors who live near our Arizona border come over here to buy gas because we are an efficiently run government that can keep our taxes down and provide cheaper fuel alternatives.

Please note: In your comeback to this post, please interject and tie my statement into a racist and or bigoted vail. I want to see how much ingenuity you possess. This is a challenge. Are u up to it?

Can I try?

1. Hmm your just repeating the talking points on Fox news....
2. It's all Bush's fault
3. The Republicans want old people to die.

How'd I do?