Gas Prices

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
That pile of dirt you call home is half the size of California in terms of population and needs. NO comparision.



WOW! You hit all my talking points! Over populated especially with illegals and very very needy! Good points!! I can't explain the feeling that comes over me when I see the sign "Leaving California" and the Rising Sun Flag "Welcome to Arizona"!!. :woohoo: - You are right there is no comparison!! Viva La Arizona!


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Again, the failed attempt to script the world. Listen SLICK, there is one reason for the worlds PROBLEMS. TWO WARS, the banking collapse of the USA in 2008 under BUSH and 150 dollar a barrel oil under BUSH.

YOU can thank OPEC for having the common sense of INCREASING production and CURBING US speculators greed. In January this year, OPEC said that if the US didnt not lower the price per barrel, they would INTERVENE and collapse oil prices down to 70 bucks a barrel.

The USA did not respond and continued to drive up the price per barrel putting ALL COUNTRIES in jeopardy while reaping HUGE record breaking profits. OPEC stepped in and increased production and threatens to increase it again if the USA doesnt get its speculators in order.

Since the increase of 2 million barrels a day, OIL has plummeted from 110 a barrel to 77 bucks a barrel.

High inventory is the result of 3 years of consumption reduction with HIGHER efficient cars. Last year, we EXPORTED MORE OIL than we IMPORTED for the first time since 1949 and that speaks volumes and rallies against DRILL BABY DRILL which is pointless when there is a GLUT OF OIL in the USA.

The two wars started by BUSH crashed this world to a degree that is only just being understood. Its too bad the GOP faithful wants to put blinders on and give him a pass.

OPEC has everything to do with the crash of oil, and all the other components only accelerate its free fall. Look for 70 dollar a barrel oil by june 30.

Next month, watch for the GOP to RAISE the rhetoric ONCE AGAIN on IRAN and attempt to drive up the price of oil just before the elections. FOX will run stories daily about the IRAN nuclear threat and they will bring on talking heads like that idiot JOHN BOLTON to talk about war and preemptive strikes and such as they did in february.

The GOP will ramp up the rhetoric and the speculators will attempt to follow suit and trade on that rhetoric.


Today there is NO talk about IRAN and nukes, but come July 1st, it will be all FOX NEWS TALKS ABOUT IN THE AM.



Well well well, right on the money again. Like clockwork, Both FOX SPEWS Channel and FOX business channel both are running stories this morning about IRAN and actions that IRAN is going to take against nations that have sanctions against them.

This will be the rhetoric coming out of both channels everyday for this month in order to attempt to get fuel prices higher before the election. After oil crushed downwards, the GOP knows it needs fuel prices higher if they hope to win the white house and they are willing to sacrifice the american pocketbook to get there.

Just wait and see, the IRAN rhetoric is off and running!

Today, oil is down, but lets see if the market can ignore the FOX SPEWS SUPERPAC RHETORIC.




Staff member
Well well well, right on the money again. Like clockwork, Both FOX SPEWS Channel and FOX business channel both are running stories this morning about IRAN and actions that IRAN is going to take against nations that have sanctions against them.

This will be the rhetoric coming out of both channels everyday for this month in order to attempt to get fuel prices higher before the election. After oil crushed downwards, the GOP knows it needs fuel prices higher if they hope to win the white house and they are willing to sacrifice the american pocketbook to get there.

Just wait and see, the IRAN rhetoric is off and running!

Today, oil is down, but lets see if the market can ignore the FOX SPEWS SUPERPAC RHETORIC.



Oil and Iran shouldn't even be in the same sentence right now. Saudi Arabia started ramping up production a few months ago to cover any possible disruptions. Obama has really done a masterful job with the sanctions and isolating Iran. See? You don't have to invade every country you have serious differences with.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Oil and Iran shouldn't even be in the same sentence right now. Saudi Arabia started ramping up production a few months ago to cover any possible disruptions. Obama has really done a masterful job with the sanctions and isolating Iran. See? You don't have to invade every country you have serious differences with.

I agree with you. My point is that despite all that has been done, more drilling, more domestic production, sanctions against IRAN and less consumption, the GOP will try everything to get fuel prices higher at the sacrifice of the american people.

While the sanctions against IRAN are already priced into the price of oil, FOX channels have a vested interest in attempting to change the direction of the economy.

FOX SPEWS is nothing more than a superpac for the GOP.




Well-Known Member
I agree with you. My point is that despite all that has been done, more drilling, more domestic production, sanctions against IRAN and less consumption, the GOP will try everything to get fuel prices higher at the sacrifice of the american people.

While the sanctions against IRAN are already priced into the price of oil, FOX channels have a vested interest in attempting to change the direction of the economy.

FOX SPEWS is nothing more than a superpac for the GOP.



Why don't you file a formal compliant with FCC? If true, your allegations would constitute a direct violation of the terms of broadcast licensing. Fox parent company News Corp. also owns a number of broadcast stations and such claim if true would also possibly place them in violation as well as potential violations of federal RICO statutes.

Better yet, why haven't organizations like Media Matters or even the Democrat party with all them high dollar lawyers done so?

Yes, Fox does follow a certain narrative but then all media follows a certain narrative. That's what you get when all the media is consolidated into the hands of a certain few and in any authority driven state, that's a necessary situation.

In the ancient greek, govern "kubernaō" meant to direct, steer or pilot and the suffix ment implied action or result so if one is to steer or direct the masses, narratives become necessary. Truth in reality is a harm and not a good. Justice an inconvenience.

Maybe you should read about Plato's Noble Lie but then if you were honest with yourself, you'd have to abandon your own political loyalties as well.


Strength through joy
wkmac, you should know better than to use real facts when dealing with tos, they just scramble up his thought process.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Why don't you file a formal compliant with FCC? If true, your allegations would constitute a direct violation of the terms of broadcast licensing. Fox parent company News Corp. also owns a number of broadcast stations and such claim if true would also possibly place them in violation as well as potential violations of federal RICO statutes.

Better yet, why haven't organizations like Media Matters or even the Democrat party with all them high dollar lawyers done so?

Yes, Fox does follow a certain narrative but then all media follows a certain narrative. That's what you get when all the media is consolidated into the hands of a certain few and in any authority driven state, that's a necessary situation.

In the ancient greek, govern "kubernaō" meant to direct, steer or pilot and the suffix ment implied action or result so if one is to steer or direct the masses, narratives become necessary. Truth in reality is a harm and not a good. Justice an inconvenience.

Maybe you should read about Plato's Noble Lie but then if you were honest with yourself, you'd have to abandon your own political loyalties as well.

Did you read what I said in my earlier post? Starting on Monday, FOX news ramped up its talk on IRAN attempting to bring it to the forefront with stories of war, blockades, and missiles. Since, oil has spiked in 2 days and even today, like I said, JOHN BOLTON raised his ugly head to help in the RAMP UP of the rhetoric.

OIL is trading today 4 bucks higher FOR NO REASON and Stewart Varney says that higher gas prices will help to defeat President Obama.

This is the GOAL of FOX news.

Our speculators are attempting to screw americans once again, and I think it may be time to REGULATE the oil market until the economy recovers fully. What happened to the supply vs demand argument?

There is an GLUT of oil in this country and a GLUT in world reserves and there is NO reason for a 4 dollar spike in one day.

Stay tuned, FOX will continue to ramp up their rhetoric.




Well-Known Member
wkmac, you should know better than to use real facts when dealing with tos, they just scramble up his thought process.

You have room to talk. Same points apply to you on the birth certificate thingy. If it's all so cut and dry, why have the powerful GOP lawyers and GOP sat on the sidelines instead of being in front and taking this issue into the courts? Why have the GOP party leaders kept this issue as far from them as they can? Why do they let others sacrifice themselves as the laughing stock and butts of jokes? Why haven't GOP Congressional leaders stepped up to the plate and begun impeachment proceedings on such an obvious violation of Constitutional requirement? The silence of action speaks volumes!

But then when your goal is a process of herding and the masses are nothing but bleating sheep, these fictional narratives from both sides serve the purpose of giving the unthinking a cause to follow while occupying their minds so they don't think too far ahead about their conditions.


golden ticket member
In the last issue of the "real news", Arpaio's posse has a guy or 2 that are resposible for the forgery of the birth certificate. Supposedly, something will be coming out soon.

Time will tell!!


Strength through joy
Why would any sensible person spend $26 / gal. for green fuel when normal fuel goes for $4/gal. ?
I could have placed this question in any number of other threads, with so many to choice from.
If anyone can come up with a good answer , please direct it to The Sec. of the Navy.


Strength through joy
You have room to talk. Same points apply to you on the birth certificate thingy. If it's all so cut and dry, why have the powerful GOP lawyers and GOP sat on the sidelines instead of being in front and taking this issue into the courts? Why have the GOP party leaders kept this issue as far from them as they can? Why do they let others sacrifice themselves as the laughing stock and butts of jokes? Why haven't GOP Congressional leaders stepped up to the plate and begun impeachment proceedings on such an obvious violation of Constitutional requirement? The silence of action speaks volumes!

But then when your goal is a process of herding and the masses are nothing but bleating sheep, these fictional narratives from both sides serve the purpose of giving the unthinking a cause to follow while occupying their minds so they don't think too far ahead about their conditions.
I can assume why no one wishes to get involved , it may be true that his real father was not the Kenyan that we are to believe but an American citizen.
Look closely at that family picture taken in kenya , anyone notice that bhos really doesn't belong with that group.
My point has always been that he is a conman.
The BC is only a starting point into revealing who he truly is.
A man with no known past , someone who is always mixing up his stories about his " family " members , either he has a memory problem or even he can't keep all of his own facts straight.
Every time he makes a speech , he ends up doing the opposite of what he said, that only goes to prove that he may have some mental issues that the WH is keeping secret.
Honestly , I hope he wins in 2012.
It will be the final straw in breaking him , without being in campaign mode 24/7 what, who will he become ?


Nine Lives
I can assume why no one wishes to get involved , it may be true that his real father was not the Kenyan that we are to believe but an American citizen.
Look closely at that family picture taken in kenya , anyone notice that bhos really doesn't belong with that group.
My point has always been that he is a conman.
The BC is only a starting point into revealing who he truly is.
A man with no known past , someone who is always mixing up his stories about his " family " members , either he has a memory problem or even he can't keep all of his own facts straight.
Every time he makes a speech , he ends up doing the opposite of what he said, that only goes to prove that he may have some mental issues that the WH is keeping secret.

I personally think is is an alien from another star system.
The star system is named Amoab in the chastity belt of Cassiopeia.
Notice that Obama is an anagram of Amoab.


Well-Known Member
I can assume why no one wishes to get involved , it may be true that his real father was not the Kenyan that we are to believe but an American citizen.
Look closely at that family picture taken in kenya , anyone notice that bhos really doesn't belong with that group.
My point has always been that he is a conman.
The BC is only a starting point into revealing who he truly is.
A man with no known past , someone who is always mixing up his stories about his " family " members , either he has a memory problem or even he can't keep all of his own facts straight.
Every time he makes a speech , he ends up doing the opposite of what he said, that only goes to prove that he may have some mental issues that the WH is keeping secret.
Honestly , I hope he wins in 2012.
It will be the final straw in breaking him , without being in campaign mode 24/7 what, who will he become ?

I completely agree he's a con man but there are other, better ways to expose a con man. Even voices on the left are telling folks "do not vote for Obama!"


Well-Known Member
I can assume why no one wishes to get involved , it may be true that his real father was not the Kenyan that we are to believe but an American citizen.
Look closely at that family picture taken in kenya , anyone notice that bhos really doesn't belong with that group.
My point has always been that he is a conman.
The BC is only a starting point into revealing who he truly is.
A man with no known past , someone who is always mixing up his stories about his " family " members , either he has a memory problem or even he can't keep all of his own facts straight.
Every time he makes a speech , he ends up doing the opposite of what he said, that only goes to prove that he may have some mental issues that the WH is keeping secret.
Honestly , I hope he wins in 2012.
It will be the final straw in breaking him , without being in campaign mode 24/7 what, who will he become ?
He is a strange man, but those "mistakes" are not accidents IMO it has physiological effects, like skipping/mixing stuff from Bible while reading, :D flag event with Michelle, just like Bush with his upside pet goat book on 911(that was not a freaking accident), he is "enlightened" doesn't have any mental issues he knows what he is doing(killing religions). He said it's not about his reelection and that one I believe, it's about to create a new...:D