Get ready for Amazon's Prime Day - July 11th


Gone Fish'n
Our center must have brought back over 500 pieces missed today. We had at least 7 drivers run out of hours before 9, 9 hours that is. One guy brought back 25 alone and he had worked 10 hours before doing that. We had piles and piles of packages just scattered all over the place.


Our center must have brought back over 500 pieces missed today. We had at least 7 drivers run out of hours before 9, 9 hours that is. One guy brought back 25 alone and he had worked 10 hours before doing that. We had piles and piles of packages just scattered all over the place.
Being a self-proclaimed logistical giant, highly-profitable multi-billion dollar Fortune 500 company, I find this very hard to believe.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
This house already had about twenty Amazon packages from FedEx and the post office by the time I got there with two more. We start thirty minutes earlier Monday.


Well-Known Member
I just wish they'd give the prime members an extra 10% off anything, or something like that. Wonder how much stuff sold that day gets return, after they figured they didn't want it anyways.
I wonder if anyone realizes they are contributing to profits of a company that wants a humanless work force.
Of course, how else will he finish his route... bathroom breaks are a waste of time.

The new girl forgot her water bottle the other day. She was lost on what to do. I told her drop what she's doing and slowly make her way to the water station and come back. She thought they gave us water out of the kindness of their hearts. Cute little thing. They give them to us to save 30 seconds * number of employees * number of times we go get water. She thought they cared lol haha


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
So is it considered "out of site" if you hide your UPS packages behind a mountain of FedEx stuff?

"Out of sight, out of weather", I hide my two behind the column on the left. Million dollar houses, not gated. I had one customer call me and asked me if I needed help unloading my car Tuesday, his wife ordered 35 things off Amazon. I only had three for her, Fedex and USPS had most of Amazon.


Pineapple King
"Out of sight, out of weather", I hide my two behind the column on the left. Million dollar houses, not gated. I had one customer call me and asked me if I needed help unloading my car Tuesday, his wife ordered 35 things off Amazon. I only had three for her, Fedex and USPS had most of Amazon.
Let me guess....all irregs?