Got the T-Shirt
Get lost.
Hold on....
He seems to pride himself on "inside" company knowledge.
Let him talk.

Get lost.
He’s already lostGet lost.
totally depends on your route. When a small country store closed on my route for 6 months there were parts of my route that were over a 10 mile drive to the nearest restroom...can normally be found within a much more reasonable driving distance...5 miles each way is 15-20 minutes (total) plus the 5 minutes that I am sure would be taken on the clock to take a leak and wash your hands and that is 25-30 minutes of on road time not spent are correct in the drivers have the right to find a suitable place to clean up and are wrong when you state that they can drive 5 miles or more, driving past suitable locations, just because they like the chili at their favorite spot...
Are you suggesting that the brown café self-appointed know it all is incorrect? Sadly the only one who would be shocked is him if he had any self-awareness.totally depends on your route. When a small country store closed on my route for 6 months there were parts of my route that were over a 10 mile drive to the nearest restroom
YesThere is more to life than money.
"Taking a leak" or "flirting with the OMS" are both "UPS work"?
You sure that’s a good idea??@Integrity this sounds like the thread for you.
totally depends on your route. When a small country store closed on my route for 6 months there were parts of my route that were over a 10 mile drive to the nearest restroom
He won't think he's incorrect at all. His response will most likely be"Oh if it's that far just crap or piss on the side of the road". Right Dave?Are you suggesting that the brown café self-appointed know it all is incorrect? Sadly the only one who would be shocked is him if he had any self-awareness.
Typical ups…all over you for getting out the gates 15 minutes late with a load, but they will make you wait 1.5 hours on your last turn for a end of sort…knowing you want to get homeEVERYTHING is done on the clock. They used to tell feeder drivers to load up their tractors with their gear before clocking in and most idiots did.
I would ask the drivers so what happens if you got hurt loading your tractor up before punching in?
I would ignore the supe and waited until I clocked in. Over allowed 90% of time on the SW time but didnt care about their damn numbers anyways.
you probably wouldn’t want to open up the back of it…lol. But I’ve used the ice and water machines and I’m still alive and kicking so who knows.Ours you push it In and it tumbles out, so no hands going in it, but who knows how clean it actually is.
The site has swapped Gumby for Dave….lmao…is that even remotely a fair trade???He won't think he's incorrect at all. His response will most likely be"Oh if it's that far just crap or piss on the side of the road". Right Dave?
Plus a draft pick to be named laterThe site has swapped Gumby for Dave….lmao…is that even remotely a fair trade???
i always thought Quad guy and upstate were one and the same. still doI always thought Integrity and Dave were the same individuals portraying diametrically opposed viewpoints. I enjoy the Integrity persona more.
You still working @ H&R Block ?The swap certainly did raise the overall IQ of this forum.![]()
You are retired now Dave, stop giving advice on how things are at UPS, because it is not the same UPS you retired fromYou are supposed to report to work with enough time to gather everything that you will need for the day before the PCM, which would include call tags, supplies, DIAD and, yes, ice.
Oh man, you left out the best part!...No one is advocating working off the clock; however, is getting ice a job requirement and, as Wally said, is that really where you want to draw the line in the sand?
Don't know that name, but is ice worth the battle? I know tough guys here would flip off the sup, then smash his face with their Yeti, but isn't it easier to come in a few minutes earlier?
Are u familiar with TSP ? If not stfu, you retired 3 years agoNo one is advocating working off the clock; however, is getting ice a job requirement and, as Wally said, is that really where you want to draw the line in the sand?
To expand on the "take a leak on the clock" scenario, if you take advantage of a public restroom while delivering to an office building there is no problem-----if you stop at a convenience store just to take a leak you are stealing time. Over time your bladder will learn when there is a public restroom at one of your office buildings and will remind you that you need to stop. This is similar to the issue about when lunch begins----is it when you complete your last stop and are driving to your lunch stop or is it when you safely secure the PC, with the DIAD locked in the cargo area, and make your way in to the lunch stop. Does it start after you take a leak and wash your hands or is that part of your lunch? How far off of your route are you allowed to drive to find a suitable place to clean up and eat? Is 1 mile each way far enough (yes)? Driving 5 miles to your "favorite" stop then taking an additional 5 minutes to take a leak and clean up and THEN starting your lunch is textbook stealing time. Lunch starts when the PC is secured, DIAD locked in back and you are making your way
Yes we get paid for tags, supplies, using the restroom, cooling ourselves by means of cool solutions etc. it’s all part of the training. I’m glad being a company man served you well and I wish you the best. I definitely promote the business and keep our reputation at a high level. I can’t agree with you though on extending the day or your methods used. It would get you walked out the door here. Locally we work 12 to 13 hours daily with out thinking about it. When we started in the eighties we knew what we signed up for. On the rural routes restrooms are miles away and sometimes ya just gotta go. Nothing unethical about it.Yes but not one that you are to be compensated for. Are you paid to grab your DIAD, call tags and supplies in order to be ready in time for the PCM?
Not even close. Even with Gumby’s drunken rages.The site has swapped Gumby for Dave….lmao…is that even remotely a fair trade???
Even a first round isn’t worth it.Plus a draft pick to be named later
Two completely different idiots.i always thought Quad guy and upstate were one and the same. still do
Yep and sometimes it’s farther. We saidtotally depends on your route. When a small country store closed on my route for 6 months there were parts of my route that were over a 10 mile drive to the nearest restroom
He was… was the BOG=Bubble of GoodnessYou must be in a unique center