"Arrive at your center on time" is somewhat ambiguous. Suppose your start time is 8am-----does this mean that you show up at 7:45am and then "complete your morning activities" before the PCM "without having to rush" or do you show up right at 8am and you are "having to rush" after the PCM to grab your DIAD, supplies and, if needed, ice, before going to your PC , putting your stuff away, linking the DIAD to the PC, downloading EDD while performing the pretrip? Back in the day we were instructed to show up at least 10-15 minutes early to ensure that we are ready to go once the PCM was done; in fact, there was one morning when our DM was giving the PCM and one of our drivers strolled in at 5 minutes after start time. The look on our DM and center manager's faces was priceless. 10:30 doesn't change-----"not being on time can jeopardize service commitments to our customers