Global warming


Well-Known Member
I wish I had land with oil that I could allow someone to bring expensive equipment on, with workers and a plan to get to the resource. Then I could sit on my ass getting paid royalties for allowing some holes to be drilled and pipe laid.
You do. It was/is Federal land.


Well-Known Member
To get facts straight, the US government does not subsidize anything, they earn no income, they confiscate income. @Wrong, step in at anytime.
I have actual friends that get checks from energy companies for the extraction, from the earth of natural gas, and crude which is then refined into an energy source.
To get another fact straight, when energy is expended, it is expended. I stand to be corrected by you or anyone else. Therefore there is no renewable energy. Please correct me again.
Pertaining to governmental subsidies, if they exist, I do not like them. The definition of a subsidy resides in the person proffering the term, therefore I don't readily accept the usage.
I answered your post, answer mine that you responded to without offering new issues.
There is no way to rebut a post that claims fiction as fact.


Inordinately Right
And you're just trotting out what your side regurgitates. As if you're a scientist yourself. When AOC starts talking social justice amongst her Green New Deal articles of faith, we know it's about completely reordering the world, with Democrats in control, not saving the planet.
All your socialism hysteria falls on deaf ears because we know it's about implementing the latest flavor of nationalist fascism.


Well-Known Member
Are you buying into it?
Are we back to global warming?
In the seventies we were heading toward the next ice age.
I can't remember when they decided that was not correct and full speed ahead we were given "global warming."
After push back, which must have been compelling, they enter us into, climate change.
My only question, since "science" supposedly identified each, which one is it?

My opinion, yes the climate changes. Has been since creation.

Does man have anything to do with it?
Nothing that can be quantified or attributed exactly and solely to our acts.

It's all View attachment 244340.
How old is the Earth? Really. I had a conversation with a neighbor yesterday who is a denier.

How old is the Earth? Has mankind been here for Earth’s entire existence, or most of it? He told me it never rained on Earth until the great flood. Is that true?


Well-Known Member
Psuedoscience is what the Right has. For example, my local Libertarian radio host notes that we've had a cold winter, therefore, there cannot be global warming. Or Genius Trump notes that a bomb cyclone means that we cannot possibly have global warming. Weather is short-term, climate change is long-term.

It makes no difference to you because you've been taught that clean coal exists (it doesn't), and that there will always be technological advances that neutralize or eliminate pollutants. You believe it because it "sounds right". And that's because your "expert" knows exactly what it takes to convince you, and that's usually emotional appeals or just plain stupid "conclusions" drawn from faulty thought processes and/or cherry-picked data. You want to hear "facts" that mean you don't need to be concerned about the environment or the local coal mine down the road. They will happily peddle you BS pseudoscience that your simple mind can easily process into an end result that you need not do anything or think about it any longer.

For decades, the merchants of doubt, who are financed by industry, successfully convinced you that smoking wasn't necessarily a cause of cancer, that coal could be a clean fuel, and that burning massive amounts of petrochemicals aren't an issue. Some scientists will lie for enough money, and there are plenty of non-science types that will lie for less, and make it sound like they're telling you the truth.

In other words, you're a soft target intellectually and can be told almost anything false and easily convinced that it is true. Go on rolling coal, and dumping your used oil down the storm drain because it's not a problem.

You've got what it takes to be a Republican. Congratulations.
So instead of using science or facts your argument turns political. The global warming religion.


Well-Known Member
Why bother?

You are not reality based.
Actually, I am.
Globally, with this earth problem, being in it's dire need, I suggest as a global community we do this:

United nations, wiccans of the world, black panthers, white nationalists, fat girls that squeeze into tights, old men with comb overs, Brotherhood of Teamsters, everyone globally:

Shut down China tomorrow, totally, period.

At least, globally we may extend the 12 years AOC gave us another 12 years to solve the problem.


Well-Known Member
in march2019 temperatures overall average with some warming in pockets in the west and some areas experiencing colder then normal temperatures in large portions of the north west . Climate change has one again occured as it does every month



Well-Known Member
in march2019 temperatures overall average with some warming in pockets in the west and some areas experiencing colder then normal temperatures in large portions of the north west . Climate change has one again occured as it does every month

You Sir must be a :censored2:, don't you understand?:thumbup1::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::red_india:red_india Two for the indians, they love the earth.