Global warming


Well-Known Member
I don't need points, I'm not at a business that offers loyalty or any other kind of points. I deal in citation, wicch you understand. Start cite in as Jethro would say, my lovely.
You’ve never cited a thing to prove a point. You appear to be a drunken blowhard. I may be wrong, but that’s what you appear to be.


Well-Known Member
You are not worthy of having a serious discussion with.
You may soon join van and the Canadian on the ignore list. The only reason hoaxster isn’t there is because his decent into madness is hard to look away from.
We all have choices, we answer to who we do. I will say if you do I will miss you. That's all I've got now.


Well-Known Member
You’ve never cited a thing to prove a point. You appear to be a drunken blowhard. I may be wrong, but that’s what you appear to be.
I've cited much, I guess you have missed it. Anytime you want to call me, ask for a citation when I claim something is fact. When I cited frequently earlier many didn't like my source. Nothing much is approved here, even the Alabama Code wasn't.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
What is fact?
I knew it! Facts are something foreign to your vocabulary, that's why you query the definition.

Facts are those pesky pieces of information that are required to make an intelligent statement.

FYI, that's why accusations based on innuendo, and not fact, are considered slurs. You should try using them once, for a change.


Well-Known Member
Another global warming fact?

Does it really matter?

The planet is actually warming, and the effects are HUUUGE.

We could argue about the cause, but that’s almost irrelevant.

My problem with folk of your ilk is that you’re like ‘nothing’s wrong’...there’s plenty wrong, and we should get ahead of it.

Denying what’s literally happening is foolish.


Inordinately Right
Yes because y’all have already determined the solution. Massive top down government expansion and socialist reform.
That’s the solution to every problem, comrade.
Maybe if Republicans didn't deny global warming they could make proposals that you find acceptable.

Instead they demonize science and education, and refuse to accept reality.

El Correcto

god is dead
Maybe if Republicans didn't deny global warming they could make proposals that you find acceptable.

Instead they demonize science and education, and refuse to accept reality.
Ah yes comrade, how dare republicans debate the findings of government funded research saying the government needs more power. There is nothing fishy about that comrade.

The answer is always marxism and massive government entitlements


Well-Known Member
Yes because y’all have already determined the solution. Massive top down government expansion and socialist reform.
That’s the solution to every problem, comrade.


There's plenty of $$$ to be made in carbon capture, solar, ocean turbines that capture energy, etc., etc.

This has nothing to do with the Guvment, and everything to do with let's fix the actual problems we're facing.

CAPITALISM TO THE RESCUE...if only Republicans would GTF out of the way...


Inordinately Right
Ah yes comrade, how dare republicans debate the findings of government funded research saying the government needs more power.

The answer is always marxism and massive government entitlements
Nothing about that statement is based in reality. Republicans are not debating anything. They are sticking their heads up the asses of oil companies.

The Republican answer is always corporatism and massive government subsidies to fossil fuel companies.

El Correcto

god is dead

There's plenty of $$$ to be made in carbon capture, solar, ocean turbines that capture energy, etc., etc.

This has nothing to do with the Guvment, and everything to do with let's fix the actual problems we're facing.

CAPITALISM TO THE RESCUE...if only Republicans would GTF out of the way...
Ah yes comrade. Capitalism in the form of guaranteed federal jobs for the industries we plan to destroy. UBI for those who don’t want to work. Capitalism in the form of prohibitive taxes on carbon pollution that will dramatically increase production, energy, agricultural, shipping and construction costs hurting the poor with government caused inflation.

Yes comrade, this will be our glorious revolution.:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Ah yes comrade. Capitalism in the form of guaranteed federal jobs for the industries we plan to destroy. UBI for those who don’t want to work. Capitalism in the form of prohibitive taxes on carbon pollution that will dramatically increase production, energy, agricultural, shipping and construction costs hurting the poor with government caused inflation.

Yes comrade, this will be our glorious revolution.:rolleyes:

Yah, no.

I'm talking about $$$.

Let's make some $$$ fixing this crap.

If I'm not mistaken, you yourself have discussed carbon capture.

All we need is for the government to GTF out of the way, but that's difficult when 57% of the government (for $ reasons) continues to deny that anything is happening at all.

SOOOOOO much $$$ to be made for climate-change remediation, no government necessary.

Republicans, Democrats, GTF out of the way.

Wrong, I'll hire you on as an 'independent contractor'.


El Correcto

god is dead
Yah, no.

I'm talking about $$$.

Let's make some $$$ fixing this crap.

If I'm not mistaken, you yourself have discussed carbon capture.

All we need is for the government to GTF out of the way, but that's difficult when 57% of the government (for $ reasons) continues to deny that anything is happening at all.

SOOOOOO much $$$ to be made for climate-change remediation, no government necessary.

Republicans, Democrats, GTF out of the way.

Wrong, I'll hire you on as an 'independent contractor'.

Yes yes very good point comrade RedArmy.
Ignore our 6 page outline and 14 page proposal for the red revolu-, I mean green new deal.

We really meant “carbon capturing”, now give us power you deplorables. Quit resisting.