Global warming


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oldngray, in reverse order

William M. "Bill" Gray
Heartland Institute, every paper submitted on climate change has failed peer review. Discussion on his faulty claims here:
Gray and Muddy Thinking about Global Warming

Dr. Neil Laverne Frank
Evangelical, does not believe god would allow that.
Frank is a signatory to An Evangelical Declaration on Global Warming,[12] which states that "Earth and its ecosystems – created by God's intelligent design and infinite power and sustained by His faithful providence – are robust, resilient, self-regulating, and self-correcting".[13]

Joseph S. D'Aleo
On payroll of Heartland and Cato Institutes, conspiracy theorist, also a signatory to the above Evangelical Declaration.

Dr. George Wolff
Heartland payroll. Doesn't believe CO2 is bad for humans, believes in the debunked 'tropical hot spot' theory.



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oldngray, in case my lengthy case by case doesn't make it through moderation(no reason it shouldn't, but...), I would invite you to read the Summary For Policymakers from the IPCC. It puts out actual physical science evidence in a very easy to understand way.

You seem like a fairly reasonable person, maybe this will help you understand why the subject is so important.

Here are the highlights, quoted directly from the report:

  • Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, and since the 1950s, many of the observed changes are unprecedented over decades to millennia. The atmosphere and ocean have warmed, the amounts of snow and ice have diminished, sea level has risen, and the concentrations of greenhouse gases have increased

  • Each of the last three decades has been successively warmer at the Earth’s surface than any preceding decade since 1850. In the Northern Hemisphere, 1983–2012 was likely the warmest 30-year period of the last 1400 years (medium confidence).

  • Ocean warming dominates the increase in energy stored in the climate system, accounting for more than 90% of the energy accumulated between 1971 and 2010 (high confidence). It is virtually certain that the upper ocean (0−700 m) warmed from 1971 to 2010 (see Figure SPM.3), and it likely warmed between the 1870s and 1971.

  • Over the last two decades, the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have been losing mass, glaciers have continued to shrink almost worldwide, and Arctic sea ice and Northern Hemisphere spring snow cover have continued to decrease in extent (high confidence).

  • The rate of sea level rise since the mid-19th century has been larger than the mean rate during the previous two millennia (high confidence). Over the period 1901 to 2010, global mean sea level rose by 0.19 [0.17 to 0.21] m.

  • The atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide have increased to levels unprecedented in at least the last 800,000 years. Carbon dioxide concentrations have increased by 40% since pre industrial times, primarily from fossil fuel emissions and secondarily from net land use change emissions. The ocean has absorbed about 30% of the emitted anthropogenic carbon dioxide, causing ocean acidification.

  • Total radiative forcing is positive, and has led to an uptake of energy by the climate system. The largest contribution to total radiative forcing is caused by the increase in the atmospheric concentration of CO2 since 1750.


golden ticket member


Engorged Member

You know, if God created a self-regulating planet, He didn't do a very good job of it. That argument has to be the weakest one yet. Too bad we liberal ninny types look at things from a logical, scientific perspective instead of just pulling it out of our butts (or Bibles) like you Righties do.


Well-Known Member
May I suggest 2 Conservative climate experts? Pat Sajak and Glenn Beck. Both super-qualified to say something incredibly stupid.

But if one were an actor pretending to be a global warming expert all dimocrats that post on here would be hanging on every word.


Well-Known Member
I am sure we can all agree the Great Scientist Al Gore is an expert !!!

Wait --an inconvenient truth -that was Global Warming ---or was it Global Cooling ?--or was it Climate Change ? whatever-- making a small minority of Liberals super rich --riding around in Private Planes--Private Limos --own Many Huge energy eating homes ---but preach to us to eat cold food because your campfire will be the end of civilization. !! :ban: Phonies !!


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Because someone got wealthy putting his money where his mouth is, shouldn't be a reason to ridicule. Actually, if the market speaks the truth, he invested wisely. Very wisely.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
When are these delusional skeptics going to give up and accept that the majority is always right no matter what?
wkmac: Here's a link not behind the paywall:

The Myth of the Climate Change '97%'

tl;dr version: yes, it's getting warmer, but not 'dangerously' warmer.

I am not one to take someone's words blindly, so I looked at the authors of the article to see if they maybe had an agenda. Low and behold, Joseph Bast is the founder and current president/CEO of the Heartland Institute. Here's his Bio.

Roy Spencer is an actual scientist. His background is quite interesting. Here is a critique of his book 'The Great Global Warming Blunder: How Mother Nature Fooled the World’s Top Climate Scientists."

I can find no reason to trust anything these two say. If it fits your beliefs on the subject, good for you. As far as being factual... not so much.


Engorged Member
Because someone got wealthy putting his money where his mouth is, shouldn't be a reason to ridicule. Actually, if the market speaks the truth, he invested wisely. Very wisely.

You are SO wrong!! Jeaysuz and his dad God created a wonderful self-regulating planet!! It works just like the wonderful, self-regulating people who inhabit God's world!! You know, the ones who get sick and die, shoot each other, abuse drugs, and commit impossibly horrific crimes!! God's love is everywhere, especially when it comes to Global Warming...which doesn't exist!!


Engorged Member
You are SO wrong!! Jeaysuz and his dad God created a wonderful self-regulating planet!! It works just like the wonderful, self-regulating people who inhabit God's world!! You know, the ones who get sick and die, shoot each other, abuse drugs, and commit impossibly horrific crimes!! God's love is everywhere, especially when it comes to Global Warming...which doesn't exist!!

FACTS get in the way of FAITH, mister!!