'Go Fund Me' Takes Down Fund Raising For Kyle Rittenhouse

Shift 2

Well-Known Member
White people believe that because they get robbed and stores burned down any time they're around large numbers of black people.

We believe they are violent communities because they are violent communities. We believe we are in danger around them in large numbers because we are in danger around them in large numbers.

Why don't you guys go commit a normal amount of violent crime and see if white people change their minds?
Black people rob and kill each other not whites. Don’t get me wrong I’m sure it happens but white people also rob and killed each other and other people of other races. Like I said that’s a ignorant mind set that whites pass down from generation to generation. People also in most cases result to stealing and other criminal behavior because of a lack of education and resources. But I have literally never heard of a group of black people running around trying to do anything to whites lol. You couldn’t find a credible source with that type of story if you wanted to


Inordinately Right
Black people rob and kill each other not whites. Don’t get me wrong I’m sure it happens but white people also rob and killed each other and other people of other races. Like I said that’s a ignorant mind set that whites pass down from generation to generation. People also in most cases result to stealing and other criminal behavior because of a lack of education and resources. But I have literally never heard of a group of black people running around trying to do anything to whites lol. You couldn’t find a credible source with that type of story if you wanted to


Well-Known Member
If you were really from the hood then you would probably see the lack of education and resources the people have and have a understanding of why someone my have a mind set to go steal for survival. Most times people steal or rob for survival. There also a few people who steal out of greed but I’m sure you know that isn’t the mind set of everyone in your neighborhood. I’m also sure that most people in that neighborhood were home owners also with a hand full of neighborhood idiots. I’m also sure you weren’t rob or shot at in your black neighborhood. Sound like you just scared for nothing like most whites.
Education won't fix their problems. It's behavior and impulse control that they need. They rob and steal and fight because it's fun. Their schools have wya more than enough money than they'll ever need. Their schools suck because of who attends them, not who runs them.

El Correcto

god is dead
If you were really from the hood then you would probably see the lack of education and resources the people have and have a understanding of why someone my have a mind set to go steal for survival. Most times people steal or rob for survival. There also a few people who steal out of greed but I’m sure you know that isn’t the mind set of everyone in your neighborhood. I’m also sure that most people in that neighborhood were home owners also with a hand full of neighborhood idiots. I’m also sure you weren’t rob or shot at in your black neighborhood. Sound like you just scared for nothing like most whites.


Inordinately Right
Imagine being so brainwashed into victimhood by the lie of systemic racism, that when three white guys attack a white kid and get shot, that somehow proves racism....

Very sad that people fall for these liberal lies.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
If you were really from the hood then you would probably see the lack of education and resources the people have and have a understanding of why someone my have a mind set to go steal for survival. Most times people steal or rob for survival. There also a few people who steal out of greed but I’m sure you know that isn’t the mind set of everyone in your neighborhood. I’m also sure that most people in that neighborhood were home owners also with a hand full of neighborhood idiots. I’m also sure you weren’t rob or shot at in your black neighborhood. Sound like you just scared for nothing like most whites.


Well-Known Member
Black people rob and kill each other not whites. Don’t get me wrong I’m sure it happens but white people also rob and killed each other and other people of other races. Like I said that’s a ignorant mind set that whites pass down from generation to generation. People also in most cases result to stealing and other criminal behavior because of a lack of education and resources. But I have literally never heard of a group of black people running around trying to do anything to whites lol. You couldn’t find a credible source with that type of story if you wanted to
Look at FBI stats. They've been posted on here before. The single most threatened group is blacks from other blacks. But also, while in much smaller numbers, more whites are harmed by blacks then blacks by whites. Cops of any color killing blacks is a miniscule number compared to blacks killing blacks. The problem is black leaders and white liberals have many blacks convinced that whites, especially white cops, are targeting and killing blacks at a much, much higher rate than what is actually happening.


Well-Known Member
Blacks already get free college, free health care, free child care, free k-12, free or reduced rent, free food, and free baby formula and diapers...

What exactly do they need to steal to get?