'Go Fund Me' Takes Down Fund Raising For Kyle Rittenhouse

The big package

Well-Known Member
Education won't fix their problems. It's behavior and impulse control that they need. They rob and steal and fight because it's fun. Their schools have wya more than enough money than they'll ever need. Their schools suck because of who attends them, not who runs them.
Always goes back to the bad parents first , then bad teacher's . That's why the President opened the door for the kids to get a better education for all who want it . Unfortunately for kids with bad parents nothing helps !!!!

El Correcto

god is dead
Blacks already get free college, free health care, free child care, free k-12, free or reduced rent, free food, and free baby formula and diapers...

What exactly do they need to steal to get?
Their reparations apparently, not kidding wish I was.


Well-Known Member
Their reparations apparently, not kidding wish I was.

They owe me reparations.

My downtown is unlovable, and we'd be colonized on Mars already if we didn't spend 10T trying to drag them out of their sorry state of living. And it didn't even work


Inordinately Right

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Could be, not in this instance.
@Old Man Jingles is a Georgia Tech grad. Just poking a rat (old), don't poke an old rat if you can't deal with the consequences.

He does wish he went to UT however. :thumbup1: :lol::lol:
I went to college to be able to make more money over the length of my career.
I never went to anything at GA Tech except classes and concerts.
I did play tennis there one year but life canceled that pursuit.
I never attended any sports event at Tech.

UT would have been fine except out-of-state costs plus I had a grant and scholarship at Tech.
Schooling at Tech facilitated my working at UPS so I wouldn't change a thang!