Shortly after this tweet a Drumpftard was shot dead.
Thank you Mr. President.
Jay Bishop was a Nazi. Good riddance........
Jay was unarmed...No warning or confrontation...some A-hole drew and killed him...He was expressing his rights as an American to peacefully protest and you call him a Nazi..Whereas the Democrats calls their protesters: Heroes...
Kyle was armed...He had a confrontation and was under a physical attack....He defended himself out of fear for his life...and you call the kid all kinds of racial slurs...I really do not know your nationality..As far as I know you are some disgruntled Fedex employee who happens to be as (white as snow) with a chip on your shoulder....
Let us play...please continue your one liners without content or reason...continue to show your ignorance and frankly stupidity...You must be one big, bad Mother behind a type board...You sure can't debate or type well enough to complete any line of sane logic or argument...Just one line of piss poor english....
It appears that the left really has be more A-Holes that the right that are willing to kill, destroy and then belly ache when they get punished or caught...
I saw the video and it appeared that when Jay was shot some of the left wing protesters ran to his aid and were trying to help...We are all human and I find comfort that we can act civilized when bad things like this happens no matter your politics...
All you need is one real nut case in a mob to end a life, you cannot prevent that till this continuing pampering of these rioters and extremist ends....Trump is right....".Real Federal Troops" need to get to Portland and the other cities that are being destroyed...Just how many people will have to die to promote a political agenda, these protesters, rioters and or looters are being used...Mob activity creates confusion, people over react and others get killed 1 + 1 = 2, simple enough for ya....Then it pay back time from the other side...