Got hurt due to leaky package..


Well-Known Member
If your hurt, your hurt. If the safety guy is trying to coerce you into not filing then you should inform your union. The union has a right to approve the cochairs
Yes, but he's obviously not doing it blatantly. Hence why I did ask a friend to send some shop stewarts..I was quartered off in a little office..
That's why you need to sniff glue, or huff paint. The "Man" can't touch you then


Well-Known Member
1000% file the injury first. Ask for copies of all documents...

...than try to understand your pains throughout the weeks. Ice and antiinflammatories will help. But I had a small pain in my knee that I thought was a simple sprain, It ended up being a meniscus tear.

Always always always file. UPS will screw you if you don't.


Well-Known Member
Bro, I'm not trying to hide anything. Besides there's bigger fish to fry than a college kid just trying to make his way...but yea foots up and iced. Just waiting on the workers comp lawyers.


Well-Known Member
Bro, I'm not trying to hide anything. Besides there's bigger fish to fry than a college kid just trying to make his way...but yea foots up and iced. Just waiting on the workers comp lawyers.