Gov healthcare


Well-Known Member
I vote. Just like you vote for a captain on a football team (minors), or a condo assocciation, or city mayor.
You voted for your shop steward.
We basically vote to have someone represent when in comes to larger groups, including government.

okay, maybe you guys finally lifted Cuba travel ban, and can legally buy cuban cigars now.
And you're free to fight in Irak at 18 years of age, but can't go to a bar in your home country. Or even buy likor.
And you can now smoke weed infront of bars and cops.
You're finally getting more lienent ! And probably have "tea (pot) cafe's" like we do.

Be happy, finally getting the freedom we enjoy.

I didn't vote for a shop steward.
I don't care.
Can't buy Cuban cigars here and since you are so worried about health care you shouldn't buy cigars either. We even have a military base in Cuba so it's kinda hard to claim an American can't go to Cuba. The average citizen just has to seek a permit to legally travel to Cuba.
The federal government grows "weed" about an hour from my house. Smoking "weed" is a state issue just look at Alaska and California to see the differences in laws.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
I vote. Just like you vote for a captain on a football team (minors), or a condo assocciation, or city mayor.
You voted for your shop steward.
We basically vote to have someone represent when in comes to larger groups, including government.

okay, maybe you guys finally lifted Cuba travel ban, and can legally buy cuban cigars now.
And you're free to fight in Irak at 18 years of age, but can't go to a bar in your home country. Or even buy likor.
And you can now smoke weed infront of bars and cops.
You're finally getting more lienent ! And probably have "tea (pot) cafe's" like we do.

Be happy, finally getting the freedom we enjoy.

I think you need to lay off the sauce or the "likor"...LMAO!!!:st_patrick:


I vote. Just like you vote for a captain on a football team (minors), or a condo assocciation, or city mayor.
You voted for your shop steward.
We basically vote to have someone represent when in comes to larger groups, including government.

okay, maybe you guys finally lifted Cuba travel ban, and can legally buy cuban cigars now.
And you're free to fight in Irak at 18 years of age, but can't go to a bar in your home country. Or even buy likor.
And you can now smoke weed infront of bars and cops.
You're finally getting more lienent ! And probably have "tea (pot) cafe's" like we do.

Be happy, finally getting the freedom we enjoy.

Likor? heard it gives you cravings for government handouts?


golden ticket member
Just heard Dr. Mark Seigel on a news show say that in Canada it takes 4 X longer waiting to get a cardiac stent put in. Life & death isn't always about weapons.


Für Meno :)
Heart stents used twice as often in U.S. vs. Canada

More, can't tell you how long a wait is for that procedure here.
Everybody gets classified now by their specialist, on behalf of the urgency.

If it's an emergency, it gets done immediatly.
And, I believe they have a total of 4 categories of urgency.

I tried my best to find out what those waiting times were, but all I cam across were a few blogs, that'll I'll post here. Just so you can see for yourself, we are very satisfied with our Healthcare here.

• Having read most of these email on Angiograms, I am truly amazed that the U.S. is still screwing just about everyone with their so called Health Care. I, personally have had since 1984 , 2 carotid artery surgeries,one triple bypass surgery, 14 angiograms with 6 stents, and another angiogram to come in the next 3 weeks. Total cost $0, you see I live in Saskatchewan the original home of medicare in Canada. The history of it's inception in 1960, is quite wild, with the doctors going on strike, and our social democratic govt having to import doctors to get the program off the ground.It became so successful the rest of Canada wanted it. Now you wouldn't dare take it away. Hooray for us!
Saskdan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, November 27, 2010

• When I was 32 yrs old I suffered a M.I. caused by one 100% blocked artery and another blocked 90%, resulting in an angioplasty and subsequently a stent placed in the one artery 90% blocked. My Cardiologist discovered that the artery 100% blocked had been for years and by the miracle of the human body formed it's own bypass to compensate the blood flow. After a week in C.C.U. I was released and continued into rehab for another month. Total cost of treatment: absolutely nothing! I am so fortunate to live in Alberta, Canada where I have the assurance and peace of mind that when I or a loved one get seriously ill we can receive medical attention and treatment and not have to line up at the cashier's office after discharge (although we still have to pay the $8 for parking). Now, with all that said and with the risk of feeling an angina attack, it sure pisses me off when I see a mob of scared individuals in Washington opposing a proposed "socialist" program to better their quality of life. One such individual held a sign stating "Health Care Doesn't Work,Just Ask Canada". Well, here I am saying it does.
Shawn T, Alberta, Canada, October 1, 2009

• I returned home today after a six night stay in an ICU ward following a heart attack (I am 49, do not smoke or drink, am fit but have a family history of heart disease). I was transferred to a special heart unit in a larger urban hospital where I underwent an angiogram and received 4 stents in my heart. I was then returned back to my home town hospital where I was observed for a further night prior to my release. Because of my unusual circumstances I am now being transferred to the Cardiologist who performed the angioplasty for follow ups and recuperation. All the time I received excellent, prompt treatment from every party concerned in my care (Paramedics,ER staff, ICU staff, Cardio unit, etc)...and the cost to me.....nothing, you see I live in Canada where we have universal health care, so I shake my head in dismay at the debate going on down south. Whenever we have needed the health system here at has been available (last year my wife was confirmed with breast cancer and her comprehensive treatment was fantastic) -- it's not perfect, but I would not wish to swap it for the US system.
Jeff, BC, Canada, August 12, 2009

more here :

There are also some american blogs on that site, actually most of them are from the states.
You can read how much they got billed, yet couldn't pay for it.
I would fight too, if there were doctors that would honestly say that there is hope for the baby. However, if there is no chance for recovery then I think it is cruel to artificially kept the boy breathing. It comes down to how much is too much. No, I'm not talking about money. Delaying the obvious outcome is futile and serves only to make the parents feel better.....for a while.


golden ticket member
All they want is a tracheotomy so the baby can breathe on his own and they can take him home to die. Shoot, the mash units do tracheotomies in the field. You'd think a doctor would step forward and do a pro bono job and let the parents take home the kid.


Strength through joy
(Weekly Standard) — For 50 consecutive weeks, Rasmussen’s poll of likely voters has been asking Americans whether (and how strongly) they support or oppose the repeal of Obamacare. Fifty times in fifty weeks, the majority of Americans have said that they support repeal. In 49 of those 50 weeks, Americans have supported repeal by double-digits margins.
It’s no small feat to find something that a majority of Americans can agree upon for fifty weeks in a row — and almost always by double-digit margins. The average tally across those fifty weeks has been 56 percent in favor of repeal and 38 percent opposed. Across the five most recent weeks, the average has been exactly the same: 56 percent in favor of repeal, 38 percent opposed.


Für Meno :)
Gee, I love government healthcare !
I just had to tore 2 dogs fighting at the doggy park away from eachother.
My right hand got servered bitten in the process of my good deed. (otherwise one of those dogs would have been seriosly hurt or even killed).

Anyways, ended up going to the walk-in clinic, handed over my healthcare card, and told me to pick a number, but as I was doing so, they seen my hand bleeding, and said, "gee your bleeding, don't pick a number, we'll call you next".

I waited maybe 3 minutes, and got all the care I needed. Very proffesional people (nurse and doctor).
I also got a Titinus shot, besides getting the wounds cleaned, creamed and wrapped, plus a perscription for some cream and anti-biotics.

Cost to me : ZIP as in ZERO, besides 15 minutes of my time at the doctors office ! :)

I love our system ! :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I always like trying out the health care system by sticking my hands into the middle of a dog fight. But hey..thanks for letting us know how awesome your experience was.


Gee, I love government healthcare !
I just had to tore 2 dogs fighting at the doggy park away from eachother.
My right hand got servered bitten in the process of my good deed. (otherwise one of those dogs would have been seriosly hurt or even killed).


My hero!!!. I wonder if God will have to designate a special place above Heaven in order to accommodate you and all your goodness.


Für Meno :)
What ????? NFL Star has to get medical treatment in National Healthcare birthplace Europe ???!!!!!
And before you ask, why he didn't come to Canada instead - it's simple - we don't have private clinics here, yet. But, I think they are comming.
They could serve 10-20% of our rich people, and 80-90% of Americans seeking cheaper surgeries and treatments.

Manning Underwent Stem-Cell Procedure

Updated: Sunday, 18 Sep 2011, 2:26 PM CDT
Published : Sunday, 18 Sep 2011, 2:26 PM CDT(NewsCore)

Peyton Manning traveled to Europe and underwent a stem-cell treatment not yet available in America before his Sept. 8 neck surgery in an aggressive effort to get back on the field, FOX Sports' Jay Glazer reported Sunday on "FOX NFL Sunday."