Well-Known Member
It was actually Alexander Fleming. I don't know why I thought it was Madame Curie. This is why I shouldn't post while watching basketball.
The pennicillin guy also came up with insulin? Or do I have them confused?
It was actually Alexander Fleming. I don't know why I thought it was Madame Curie. This is why I shouldn't post while watching basketball.
What socialists .........
PLEASE explain.
First explain your definition of socialism. .
If you are referring back to 1921
Sort of but I thought we had established that Canada or a Canadian did not discover insulin. I wanted your definition because I see you as a socialist and I was really curious if you saw yourself as a socialist. Even among socialists they tend to disagree on what socialism really means.
Since insulin was discovered in Germany and I think by now everyone can agree on that it is more like what type of health care system did they have? Who had to take that discovery to the next level? Who had to produce what they discovered to provide the masses with diabetes some relief from certain death?
But I really just wanted to know your definition of socialism and since I asked I'll give you mine.
The short version is the ownership or control by the community of the production or distribution of goods or services. (you kids that are still in school give me a break it's been years)
Well, that's because you cut off that wikipedia article right before it mentioned them
Here's the rest:
What socialists .........
PLEASE explain.
If you are referring back to 1921, Canada was very simular to the US, actually the US even had Social Security before we did.
Our National Healthcare didn't really kick in until 1966. And only by 1984 was the Canadian Healthcare Act implemtented, that would free Canadians of any user fees.
Starting in 1946 only one province had some form of pre paid healthcare services, and other provinces started doing the same in the 1950"s.
We basically joined the rest of the world, and every Canadian will tell you, it was the best move the government ever did.
We also went metric in the mid 70's.
Ireland is the lastest country that converted to metric, in 2005. (they had to, to be excepted in the EU).
That only leaves the US, as the only major country , that hasn't converted. Same as National Healthcare.
So, I wouldn't name every country on earth socialist, just because of a cheaper, universal healthcare coverage.
If LBJ would have had his way, you would have beaten us in National Healthcare coverage, too. :
Diane Francis
Editor at Large, the National Post
Posted: August 19, 2009 02:31 PM
LBJ Created Canada's Superior Health Care System
As the health care establishment appears to be once again able to block any reasonable changes to America's sick health care system, it's important to note that, ironically, the "father" of Canada's universal, single-payer health care system was late President Lyndon B. Johnson. In 1964, his plan caused Canadian Prime Minister Lester Pearson to rush the same health care scheme into existence so that Ottawa was not beaten by the Americans, as was the case in 1934 with Social Security. As things turned out, LBJ compromised with the Republicans and scaled back his plan to a co-payer insurance for senior citizens, or Medicare. So it's hardly surprising that, again, a popular President cannot win out against the nasty tactics and enormous wealth of the medical vested interests.
And yet, today Canada's system is not only as good as America's, but better medically speaking, according to the World Health Organization. Even more dramatic, it is between 30 and 60% cheaper for procedures, medications and hospital stays. Despite compelling evidence, the status quo remains south of the border and American voters/media appear to be unaware of the need for change. There are billions in profits being made at the expense of Americans and the country's economy.
more :
All your part appears to do is reaffirm that many canadians are very good at living in housing provided them.
But, I think you get socialisum mixed up with communisum.
Social is exactly what it stands for : Social programs, like welfare, your social food stamps, education for everyone - thats social. So is protection for everyone.
Basically for the health and welfare of every citizen.
As far as me being social, yes I am a bit, but would not vote Liberal, to make it even more social.
Nope I don't.
Thanks for your view.
That explains lot's. I would prefer freedom and my guess is that you would prefer other to always make every decision or at least the important one for you.
The proud American will go down into his slavery with out a fight, beating his chest and proclaiming to the world, how free he really is. The world will only snicker.
-Stanislav Mishin
You've really got it in for that guyStupak must be Slovak for stupid.......
The proud American will go down into his slavery with out a fight, beating his chest and proclaiming to the world, how free he really is. The world will only snicker.
-Stanislav Mishin
So, again, what is your freedom point here ?????
Well first before I address that question I will point out that you are wrong about abortion, "weed", switching jobs, and going to Cuba.
My freedom point is that you feel that every human is the ward of their government. I feel that every human should have certain basic freedoms and our government exists only because we allow it.