Why can't you understand a simple question. He asked for the part of the constitution where it says you are guaranteed health insurance. Show it to us.
Brett & AV,
I agree in principle with what you 2 are saying about healthcare as it relates to opposing the idea but I don't argue it as unconstitutional because it's not. You might want to look first off at the taxing powers of Congress in Article 1 Section 8 and how the General Welfare Clause has come to be legally understood in this day and age. Also you might look back at Railroad Retirement Board v. Alton Railroad Co. in which SCOTUS ruled unconstitutional a Social Security plan for railroad workers who had in effect already been nationalized and then look a couple of years later at Helvering v. Davis and the gov't arguement defending our now Social Security system and why it wasn't ruled unconstitutional and it involved mostly the powers of Art. 1 Sec. 8, Amendment 16 and the authority of Congress to tax and then allocate the money as it sees fit from the general welfare fund. A correctional to the mistake they made in Alton Railroad.
The 1965' Medicare Act (socialized medicine for all those over age 65 if you will) was also brought into being on those same grounds as well as the general welfare clause. What about the 2003' Medicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act championed by Bush and the republican Congress? Call it what you will but it's still socialized medicine and that was also supported on longstanding legal ground. Now it would appear President Obama and the democrats want to add their own personal touch and IMHO, you got nothing in the Constitution to stop it.
I agree completely that making any central gov't the sole arbitor of power in such an important area is wrong and I don't trust it at all. That said however, I also completely agree that to believe that a cartel of private corporations (that's who's driving this thing anyway and what it's all about) is going to act to our benefit is completely foolish as well. Milton Friedman (I admire him in one respect but disagree with his mixing Austrian with Keynesian and coming up with Trickle down) did correctly point out about the number of private hospitals of then verses now and that is very much worth observing. However IMO, the question left unanswered were how many were local owned, run and controlled and of those how many were what some would be called non-profit? Nothing wrong with non-profit if people want to "VOLUNTEER" for such a system and depending on the system, I might even be willing to "VOLUNTEER" and support such a "LOCAL" plan or idea.
I believe healthcare is a completely private matter left to the individual and as long as all the facts are known and nothing is hidden (no force, no fraud) I should be able to go see whoever I choose for my healthcare, even if it's witchdoctor or some mystic medicine man. At the same time, if the employer provided plan disallows such coverage, I should be free to take that portion of my total pay and move it to such a plan that does cover my choice or to use to self insure if I so choose that route. Watch closely now as the hardcore despotic, authorterian unionist rise up and object to such ideas of leaving the "Borg" collective.
Medicare patients are also restricted in seeking beyond certain medical means not that the powers that be will come after them but would come after the medical person that treated them. And yes that has happened.
Don't treat my slave or else!
Roe v Wade and it's defenders argue a woman has a right to her own body.

Ponder that legal premise going forward and I can tell you the law library has many interesting things to say along those lines too! Unintended Consequences? I love it when they shoot themselves in the foot!
AV, along the lines of Tom Dilorenzo's piece that you liked above, I found
this at
"Strike the Root" and not only does it fit Tom's assertion of abuse of gov't programs but I'm sure it's gonna make a lot of people mad when they read it. I actually LMAO when I read it because the idea of calling 911 2 to 3 times a week for a ride to the doctor's office was a riot. In fact, I'm putting everyone on notice right now that if this part of the law remains the same under any enforced gov't medical program, every friend'ing time I go to the doctor, I'm calling 911 for the VIP ride! I'm gonna get my money out of this and then some!
Brett and AV, I wanna close with something and no matter how I word this, it's not gonna come out nice but here it is anyway. You guys get on Diesel about his party's President and Congress abusing if you will the Constitution by twisting or outright ignoring sections you believe prohibit the agenda he supports. Fact of the matter, you guys in one way or another supported over the last 8 years an adminstration and until 2006', a republican Congress that for it's own ends did the very same thing. To walk around the Constitution, they hired lawyers to write legal opinions supporting their constitutional trampling and then defended these actions as having some legal standing. I know in your mind it was all for a noble cause and I've not doubt you strongly believe as you've argued to support your cause. On the otherhand, the very same thing can be said for Diesel's position and beliefs and just as I know you beleive you come from a noble cause, so too do I think the same of Diesel. Fact is, I don't think any of you have any ill will and you guys only want what you think is truly best for all of us. I understand and I even respect that.
Even though I think the Constitution is a horrible document and should be thrown on the ash heep of history, it's what we have and it's alleged to be the "law of the land." Everytime any of us go to it and treat it like some cafeteria line, it erodes it and it opens the door for the malcontents and slimbags we all continue to elect on election day to use nilly willy for their own agendas. You can't have an open door to gov't on the one hand and then expect that door to close on the other. It doesn't and historically it's never worked that way.
Chalmers Johnson in his 3 volume works talked about in his days at CIA of their created term of what they called "unintended consequences." The past actions of republicans set the table for the "unintended consequences" that we are seeing today so as much as I agree with you, I also have to lay some blame at you as well!