Well-Known Member
My daughter will be in the 9.4 million as of the 1st of August.
aj, like that clip said :
In the United States, with its mixed public-private system, 16% or 45 million Americans are uninsured at any one time.The U.S. is one of three OECD countries not to have some form of universal health coverage; the other two being Turkey and Mexico.
For example, according to a 2007 Consumer Reports study on the U.S. health care system, the underinsured account for 24% of the U.S. population and live with skeletal health insurance that barely covers their medical needs and leaves them unprepared to pay for major medical expenses. When added to the population of uninsured (approximately 16% of the U.S. population), a total of 40% of Americans ages 18–64 have inadequate access to health care, according to the Consumer Reports study.
The average life expectancy for Canada was 80.34 years compared with U.S. at 78.6 years
You might want to think that statement through again. There is still time to editThe lower life expetancy is due to the fact that we have a higher population, so here you are more likely to be in a car accident than in Canada. It has nothing to do with the health care system in general. In fact most Americans agree that the problem doesn't lie with access or quality, which will both be reduced under a government healthcare plan like in Canada.
The lower life expetancy is due to the fact that we have a higher population, so here you are more likely to be in a car accident than in Canada. It has nothing to do with the health care system in general. In fact most Americans agree that the problem doesn't lie with access or quality, which will both be reduced under a government healthcare plan like in Canada.
Actually, I like that statement. It makes sense that your drugs (medication) is 35-40% more expensive too.
The drugstores need larger parking lots. Thats why ! LOL
No, the real truth is : The Canadian Goverment buys Medication in bulk, at a major discount price. Which is not allowed in the USA.
So, it's kinda like Walmart versus the cornerstore in pricing.
Plus, the patents of new drugs are 5 years less here then those in the states.
I think it's 10 years total, in the USA it's up to 15 years.
So, we are 5 years ahead of you, making cheaper no name brands.
And any pharmacist well tell you, that no name codeine, or no name asperin is actually the same (same chemical ingredients).
Canada supplies large quantities of marijuana to American users, including hundreds of thousands of pounds a year of lucrative, high-potency "B.C. Bud" from British Columbia
Operation Iron Curtain" resulted in charges against more than 45 people, from Quebec to Florida. Over the past four years, the ring smuggled about $250 million worth of high-grade, hydroponic marijuana into the United States annually, authorities said
How can we seriously say, "government" and "health care" in the same sentence??![]()
So, when you guys retire, don't expect Medicare to be around.
The government can run all types of things quite well.
In most civilized countries, the citizens are afforded some sort of government run healthcare, and it works.
As an aside, I find the right wing hate for Obama quite staggering, The folks who said you were a traitor if you opposed GWB's agenda, seem to think it is their duty to tear down the present administration every chance they get.
People doing everything they can do to go against their own best interests, amazing.
I wonder how many realize that a government run for the good of the corporation over the individual, is not a democracy, but is Facist?
Cutting and pasting from every nut job right wing site, quoting Fox news as if it is fact, railing about fidelity when one actively seeks infidelity, mixing religion with politics, calling another racist when one is, in fact demonstratingly racist, the list goes on.
Why are you afraid of a gov't run healthcare system? Because everyone will have coverage? Because a great burden will be lifted off small business? Because you are afraid you won't get cheap Viagra? You'd rather have your insurance comapny deciding what's best for their bottom line?
Good luck folk, you'll need it.
Just wondering, how many of you are overweight? Most of the drivers I see are, in spite of being 'Industrial Athletes'. What a joke!
The government can run all types of things quite well.
In most civilized countries, the citizens are afforded some sort of government run healthcare, and it works.
As an aside, I find the right wing hate for Obama quite staggering, The folks who said you were a traitor if you opposed GWB's agenda, seem to think it is their duty to tear down the present administration every chance they get.
People doing everything they can do to go against their own best interests, amazing.
I wonder how many realize that a government run for the good of the corporation over the individual, is not a democracy, but is Facist?
Cutting and pasting from every nut job right wing site, quoting Fox news as if it is fact, railing about fidelity when one actively seeks infidelity, mixing religion with politics, calling another racist when one is, in fact demonstratingly racist, the list goes on.
Why are you afraid of a gov't run healthcare system? Because everyone will have coverage? Because a great burden will be lifted off small business? Because you are afraid you won't get cheap Viagra? You'd rather have your insurance comapny deciding what's best for their bottom line?
Good luck folk, you'll need it.
Just wondering, how many of you are overweight? Most of the drivers I see are, in spite of being 'Industrial Athletes'. What a joke!
Several groups that usually are at odds on health care now agree on the need for broad reform.
•America's Health Insurance Plans, a lobbying group for insurers joined last month with Families USA, a liberal advocacy group, on a plan to extend health coverage to all children and the uninsured.Insurance companies, fearful of losing profits, were harsh critics of the Clinton plan.
•The CEO of Wal-Mart and the president of the 1.8 million-member Service Employees International Union have forged an alliance to push for universal coverage. Union president Andy Stern, a supporter of the Clinton plan, now says insurance has grown so costly that unions can no longer demand Cadillac plans.
•Stern and Wal-Mart are also part of a broader alliance called Better Health Care together. It includes leaders of AT&T, Intel, Kelly Services and the Communications Workers of America. They're urging reform and exploring whether tying insurance to employment, which started in the 1940s, still makes sense.
•In Washington, a bipartisan group of legislators has pledged to work with President Bush on achieving universal coverage. "The status quo is unacceptable," Bush said last week, citing 47 million Americans who have no insurance, and escalating health costs that will account for 20% of all spending in the United States by 2015.
May 11, 2005
HHS said in a statement that the CEOs who participated in the panel where
chosen because of the "substantial amount of health care" their companies
purchase for their employees. The CEOs who participated on the panel
included Fred S, CEO of the FedEx; Rick Wagoner, CEO of General
Motors; John Faraci, CEO of International Paper; John Barth, CEO of
Johnson Controls; Robert J. Ulrich, CEO of Target; Steve Reinemund,
CEO of PepsiCo; Alan G. Lafley, CEO of Procter & Gamble;
Richard Kovacevich, CEO of Wells Fargo; and David Glass,
former CEO of Wal-Mart.