News from Portsmouth NH "town hall " meeting......shouted out by bho's planted supporters ....If you're against this then you're a greedy racist ( they shouted this at a 12 yr old girl ).Those people opposed to President's Obama, health care plan, by way of Tea Party's and the like are categorized as 'scare tactics". If somone disagrees with you, you can easily label them as such.
Since Canada seems to be the focus, here's an article from another Canadian:
Debunking Canadian health care myths
Do you think bho gave his grandmother "end of life counseling " ?
Do you think bho gave his grandmother "end of life counseling " ?
At his town hall meeting yesterday, the President said:
"No one holds these companies accountable for these practices. And I have to say, this is personal for Laurie, but it's also personal for me, I -- I talked about this when I was campaigning up here in New Hampshire. I will never forget my own mother as she fought cancer in her final months, having to worry about whether her insurance would refuse to pay for her treatment. "
Would you call that a 'death panel'?
Not a death panel in sight...
I think we know BHO will get the best care for his family.
the concern is putting the decision for life saving medical procedures in the hands of some government beaurocrat.
Once we create this massive health care beaurocracy there is no turning back if we decide it does not work well or is to expensive.
I think we know BHO will get the best care for his family.
the concern is putting the decision for life saving medical procedures in the hands of some government beaurocrat.
Once we create this massive health care beaurocracy there is no turning back if we decide it does not work well or is to expensive.
You are ignoring the point: he watched his dying mother, who had very little resources, fighting with insurance companies. This man, and his wife, did not grow up with riches. They demonstrated hard work, education, and initiative to be successful. They are the Republican American Dream writ large.
Don't blame him for having the health care we give to every president.
How would you design it? Which group, party, think tank, has a proposal you think would work? What features do you think are must have, nice to have? Which 1st world country has a system that we could look at to emulate? How do you rank them for cost and outcomes?
By all means, let us discuss what the bill SHOULD look like...but it is ever so much easier to tear down than to build up. Much harder work to craft a bill that is satisfactory to a large majority of the people.
Not up to me. I'm not the one making the case for giving every illegal alien and homeless person free health care. One of the presidents selling points is that our present system is broken. Let him be the one that tells us what is broken and how he would fix it. If his solution is to create another massive govenment entity then he already has two strikes against him in selling me.
How would you design it? Which group, party, think tank, has a proposal you think would work? What features do you think are must have, nice to have? Which 1st world country has a system that we could look at to emulate? How do you rank them for cost and outcomes?
By all means, let us discuss what the bill SHOULD look like...but it is ever so much easier to tear down than to build up. Much harder work to craft a bill that is satisfactory to a large majority of the people.
He was elected on that premise, that the current system is broken. And, to any rational person who looks at the data, it is broken. It hurts families, small businesses, and the elderly. It particularly hurts those who are not in the top 5% of all household incomes.
As a concerned citizen, it IS your responsibility to participate in the governing of this society. Complex problems require complex solutions, and we need to engage in discussions on what we as a people want, will accept, and are willing to pay for. And how to measure the success or failure of what we put in place.
I think he was elected because bush and the previous congress did such a crappy job dealing with the collapsing economy. I think he got elected because McCain was too mainstream to get the conservative coalition excited enough to vote for him.
As a concerned citizen it is my responsibility to ensure this act of political mobocracy intiated at election time does not result in permanent damage to this country as a result of Obama instituting his misguided policies.
What are your "guided" policies? The current system is unsustainable.
is the sky really falling. I'm not sure . that case has been stated but not proven when addressing the alleged health care crisis.
You sat around for 8 years and did nothing while Bush-Cheney and their cronies raped the country.
The rape actually occured when the democrats took control of congress.
Now we have a leader who's trying to clean up the Bush-Cheney mess and all he is getting is push-back from people like you - people who fight against their own interests.
the leader we have now helped create the mess when he was part of the do nothing congress.
You may have a job for now, with great health benefits, but, for how long? I know for a fact UPS I.S. is outsourcing to IBM (India) & Accenture as it implements its GD Initiative. I know for a fact one division's personnel was whacked by 40% in one day;
what divison?
lay-offs across the board will continue until Corp. reaches it's "magic" number.
what lay offs in managment are you referring to?
If you're not of retirement age and unemployed, what would you do with no insurance and faced with a catastrophic illness by you or a family member?
I would fend for myself as I have done my entire life. I would continue to adopt the work ethic that I earn what I get through my hard work. I would not look for anyone else to support me. If it meant I had to dig ditchs to maintain this work ethic then I would be hell bent and determined to be the best dang ditch digger the world has ever seen.
You need to stop drinking the kool-aid, stop listening to those 30-second sound bites, and start thinking about Plan B.