What are your "guided" policies? The current system is unsustainable. You sat around for 8 years and did nothing while Bush-Cheney and their cronies raped the country. Now we have a leader who's trying to clean up the Bush-Cheney mess and all he is getting is push-back from people like you - people who fight against their own interests.
You may have a job for now, with great health benefits, but, for how long? I know for a fact UPS I.S. is outsourcing to IBM (India) & Accenture as it implements its GD Initiative. I know for a fact one division's personnel was whacked by 40% in one day; lay-offs across the board will continue until Corp. reaches it's "magic" number. If you're not of retirement age and unemployed, what would you do with no insurance and faced with a catastrophic illness by you or a family member? You need to stop drinking the kool-aid, stop listening to those 30-second sound bites, and start thinking about Plan B.
We sure have had a lot of new liberal posters come out of nowhere to push the left side issues lately. Anyone know How their getting in maybe we can place a few roach motels and slow them down.