Government Motors


Well-Known Member
So many maroons, so little time! This is for the ones who keep CROWING that bailing out GM was a good deal! Again, if you just did a simple Google search you’d find out that “making things up”, (also known as Kleining) isn’t as easy to get away with as it used to be. This was clearly a loss for the American tax payer. If GM had be allowed to go BK and then reorganized the, everything I touch goes up in smoke government would have been left out of it as well as the taxpayer. With Chrysler and GM announcing they have repaid their government loans, it did not take long for Democrats to crow that the federal auto bailouts were a clear success. Indeed, the president and his supporters hope to make political hay from these efforts for the 2012 elections. Never mind that the bailouts were a use of taxpayer dollars not even within the initial scope of the constitutionally questionable TARP. Never mind that taxpayers are still a major shareholder in GM. And never mind that these bailouts have ingrained a “too big to fail” strategy among American businesses, who now feel entitled to federal funding should they fall short in the marketplace. There is no justification for sticking the taxpayers with the bill for this misadventure. The taxpayers didn’t want the bailout in the first place—every poll, not to mention the 2010 elections—confirms that view. For taxpayers to recoup their investment, the federal government (currently owns 61%) would have to sell its 365 million shares at a profit. The break-even price would be $55 a share, but GM is currently selling at $28.90. Another case where the government should “STFO” of the private sector.
We probably have the same fine print contract, and nobody complains here.
Ask DS, he is from Ontario. That province also became a major shareholder of GM, and so did our federal government.

I have heard no complaints here up north at all, because we concentrate more on jobs, and not on deverse politics !

Can't help that y'all are oblivious with your heads in the clouds.


Für Meno :)
The way I see it, more government money would have been spent on unemployment bennies, and less income tax revenue.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Its sad when people who call themselves americans would cheer over the potential closure of americas final industrial giants. They would rather have another 1.5 million people unemployed and further businesses closed in america.

The last of our manufacturing sector is automobiles and to think that AMERICANS would rather see them out of business when detroit is a shining example of what happens to a town when they do, is beyond comprehension.

The right wing of this country started killing jobs under Reagan, BUSH, and BUSH and yet, that party still exists today. How they convince their sheeple to follow is something of amazement. Corporations have been allowed to leave this country and make millions of dollars while this countries people suffer the jobs losses and have to rely on mom and pop shops to survive.

The right wing is not shy about this. They PROMOTE the fact that small business is the new economic engine of this country. But why do they not say that corporate america is the engine for employment? Oh thats right, they support them leaving our shores even in todays jobs climate.

How did you all get convinced that working for small business was the future for our kids? Where are the career jobs? Where are the manufacturing jobs for the future in the USA?

I dont get it, and Im sure you dont get it either.

You all live on sound bites and rhetoric.



Für Meno :)
TOS, don't you know yet, that we have another thread complaining about Obama NOT creating jobs ?
Yet, saving over a million and more jobs is a sinn !

Only reason the republicans don't like the GM bail out, is because it's a proven success !

Maybe, Canada and Germany should have only bailed them out, and Canada could get all of North Americas GM jobs, and Opel in Germany get all the Euro jobs there, and China would have bought the rest ?

Would that make Moreluck, trinkle happier ?
Don't think so, they would bitch that GM moved out of the US, because of Obama !


golden ticket member
Nobody can give a clear definition of a "saved job". It's a made up term by "O". Show me the list of "saved jobs" You really like that kool aid eh?


golden ticket member
You don't bail out a company and then let the cost fall on the people. Companies who don't manage well, plan well or produce well fall by the wayside. It's natural consequences of running a business badly.


golden ticket member
.."You all live on sound bites and rhetoric..." (TOS)

And of course, you don't parrot CNN, MSNBC or the like every waking moment.


Für Meno :)
Stop bailing out the farmers, then we'll talk - let them go bk, and you can starve or import from us or Mexico !

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You don't bail out a company and then let the cost fall on the people. Companies who don't manage well, plan well or produce well fall by the wayside. It's natural consequences of running a business badly.

Did you say the same thing when Bush bailed out lehman brothers? or AIG or Morgan Stanley or any other BUSINESS that was run improperly?

Answer: NO.

You celebrate the openings of walmarts across this country when in fact you know that they kill local businesses and put people on the unemployment line. You only complain now about the bailouts because thats what youre told to think.

You cheerlead for the demise of your country and its people and call yourself and american.



golden ticket member
When did I ever say that I travel across the country celebrating Walmart openings. You just lie so bad!!!

I have a WalMart......until Oct. 9th it's the only game in town. Target will open on Oct 9th....a little healthy competition.

I am never in favor of bailing out a company NO MATTER WHO THE PRESIDENT IS !! I'm not in favor of bailing out UPS if they were too stupid to run their business mean & lean.

If I don't comment on something, it doesn't mean I'm for it. It's humanly impossible to comment on every single subject. Your ass uming is your problem.


golden ticket member
My country is truly down trodden now because of a socialist president who feels the need to take care of every American. We can take care of ourselves ........we don't need gov't in every nook & cranny of our existence.

See the London riots? They took care of everybody too and it's come back to bite them and all those entitlement folks feel they are entitled to have a big screen TV from the local shopkeeper. They need real force to stop those punks.


Für Meno :)
My country is truly down trodden now because of a socialist president who feels the need to take care of every American. We can take care of ourselves ........we don't need gov't in every nook & cranny of our existence.

See the London riots? They took care of everybody too and it's come back to bite them and all those entitlement folks feel they are entitled to have a big screen TV from the local shopkeeper. They need real force to stop those punks.

Do you truley know the story about England, and how they are batteling their deficit ? And yes they remain a AAA rated country.
They doubled or even trippled tution fees, added another 2 or 3% to the Vat tax.
And many more tax increases.

If you consider that living off the government, then why don't you agree with raising taxes to pay for the social bennies the Americans get ?
The USA is far more social then Canada or England - because we pay higher taxes and tution fees. Every country in the G8 has a vat tax, but not the US.

You also have the lowest taxes among the G8, and the lowest taxes since 1950 !
I call that socialisum, but don't blame that on Obama, because he wanted to raise them a few times.
Blame it on your social republicans ! (and George Bush)

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Do you truley know the story about England, and how they are batteling their deficit ? And yes they remain a AAA rated country.
They doubled or even trippled tution fees, added another 2 or 3% to the Vat tax.
And many more tax increases.

If you consider that living off the government, then why don't you agree with raising taxes to pay for the social bennies the Americans get ?
The USA is far more social then Canada or England - because we pay higher taxes and tution fees. Every country in the G8 has a vat tax, but not the US.

You also have the lowest taxes among the G8, and the lowest taxes since 1950 !
I call that socialisum, but don't blame that on Obama, because he wanted to raise them a few times.
Blame it on your social republicans ! (and George Bush)


She doesnt have the first clue about england. All she knows is what she heard on fox news which is a distortion of the truth.



golden ticket member
My hubby golfs with 2 Brits 3 days a week. They still have family in England........all they do is complain about all the damn muslims who move to England and think the country owes them something. I don't care what the books say, I believe the people who are actually there!!


Für Meno :)
You sure that's all they say (muslims) ?

And not 1 little bit about how much more expensive goods and other things are in the UK ?
Or how cheap the USA is compared to England ?

Your hubby and yourself should go to Britain, with his friends - then you can experience it for yourself !

It's not just $10 a gallon of gas, but also $6.00 for a big mac by itself, with no fries nor drink !
(the meal deal there is atleast $10 ! )