Government Motors


Strength through joy
Riot boy's family kicked out of public housing
Suspected looter, mother are 1st to be punished with eviction
--London Daily Mail
In the first case of its kind, Daniel Sartain-Clarke, 18, and his mother have been served with an eviction notice as council bosses seek to turf them out of their £225,000 taxpayer-subsidised flat. Sartain-Clarke is charged with violent disorder and attempting to steal electronic goods.

Revealed: Middle-class rioters
Millionaire's daughter, aspiring musician, organic chef in police custody
--London Daily Mail
[h=2]A model, a Facebook joker and a schoolgirl: The very modern face of the British rioter[/h] Model Shonola Smith, 22 (left), who has never been in trouble with police before, was jailed after admitting looting an Argos store in south London. Also in the dock on a busy day in the courts were 'Facebook joker' Hollie Bentley, 19 (centre), who allegedly incited rioting on the net, and a 14-year-old schoolgirl (right), who faces burglary charges.



Für Meno :)
Good ! I hope they get them all ! But, I still stand by my previous statement, that something familiar is cooming to the USA soon, too.
Just wait when all those cuts take effect, and then some more !


golden ticket member
You sure that's all they say (muslims) ?

And not 1 little bit about how much more expensive goods and other things are in the UK ?
Or how cheap the USA is compared to England ?

Your hubby and yourself should go to Britain, with his friends - then you can experience it for yourself !

It's not just $10 a gallon of gas, but also $6.00 for a big mac by itself, with no fries nor drink !
(the meal deal there is atleast $10 ! )
We don't have plans to ever leave the 50 states !!! Neither one of us are deaf and I believe what I hear from the people who actually live there. The Brits were too welcoming . I wouldn't go to England if I won an all expenses paid trip !!! I'm adamant about that.


Well-Known Member
We don't have plans to ever leave the 50 states !!! Neither one of us are deaf and I believe what I hear from the people who actually live there. The Brits were too welcoming . I wouldn't go to England if I won an all expenses paid trip !!! I'm adamant about that.

That's a shame--there is so much more in the world than that contained within our borders.

I loved the year I spent in Sicily. I tried food I never would have tried here (octopus--I was really drunk at the time) and got to interact with a culture I most likely never would have had. I rented a two-seater car and drove all over the island. I got see glimpses of Rome (from the airport) as well as Frankfurt, Germany and Torrejon, Spain while our plane was being refueled.

The cultural experience you could gain from visiting England would far outweigh any of the negative stuff going on there now.


golden ticket member
Regulations are killing Obama, but it's a suicide and I just watch it happen. He doesn't get why businesses aren't hiring or why they leave America. It's a one-man theater and a tragedy is playing!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Regulations are killing Obama, but it's a suicide and I just watch it happen. He doesn't get why businesses aren't hiring or why they leave America. It's a one-man theater and a tragedy is playing!

Without using political rhetoric, please list the regulations that are killing american corporations for us.

I would like to see your knowledge of such regulations that are killing businesses in america.

I wonder if you will list :

1) minimum wage
2) vacation pay
3) Health care
4) pensions
5) social security
6) various taxes
7) 40 hour workweeks
8) overtime after 40 hours
9) hiring americans
10) air pollution controls
11) ground water controls
12) pesticide controls
13) cancer causers prohibitions
14) hormones in animals
15) unions
16) industry standard wage scales

Lets see your knowledge on the subject.



golden ticket member
At the end of the debt ceiling 2 days before the end, when no one was paying attention, he made about 500 new regulations. Go look them up.


Strength through joy
How about the way bhos changed the bankruptcy rules for GM and Chryslar, where bond holder got the shaft and the UAW got to have a controlling interest in the "new" companies.


Strength through joy
1) minimum wage......Walmart is the number one employer left
2) vacation pay......who can afford to go anywhere
3) Health care.....sorry I 'm a victim of Romneycare
4) pensions.....the next thing bhos will be going after he soaks the rich
5) social security....was never designed to be a major source of income
6) various taxes....when has any taxes actually gone down
7) 40 hour minimum pay
8) overtime after 40 hours.....due to a labor manager decision my group never gets any
9) hiring americans.....who need to speak third or more different languages just to communicate
10) air pollution controls....bhos said that he planned to make everyone pay more for electricity & since most plants use coal, enough said
11) ground water actually drink that stuff
12) pesticide controls....freely available & being used on all that import produce
13) cancer causers prohibitions......not into astrology
14) hormones in is that why all the kids are entering puberty by age 10
15) unions.....a dying concept except for gov't workers
16) industry standard wage scales......what industry are left here


Well-Known Member
Interesting film since we're talking about cars.



Strength through joy
Would-be California automaker Aptera has announced that it is returning all of the deposits it currently holds for its two-seat, three-wheel electric car.
According to, the company sent out a note on August 12th to the people who had placed reservations for the Aptera 2e that reads “…as you know, our path to production has been longer than anticipated, which has complicated our reservation administration to the point that we have decided to return your deposit.”

Aptera’s death trap tricycles are going nowhere.

Meanwhile, Ford’s F150 sales are doing fine.



Strength through joy
[h=1]GM says bankruptcy excuses it from Impala repairs[/h]
NEW YORK, Aug 19 (Reuters) - General Motors Co (GM.N) is seeking to dismiss a lawsuit over a suspension problem on more than 400,000 Chevrolet Impalas from the 2007 and 2008 model years, saying it should not be responsible for repairs because the flaw predated its bankruptcy.
The lawsuit, filed on June 29 by Donna Trusky of Blakely, Pennsylvania, contended that her Impala suffered from faulty rear spindle rods, causing her rear tires to wear out after just 6,000 miles.

Seeking class-action status and alleging breach of warranty, the lawsuit demands that GM fix the rods, saying that it had done so on Impala police vehicles.
But in a recent filing with the U.S. District Court in Detroit, GM noted that the cars were made by its predecessor General Motors Corp, now called Motors Liquidation Co or "Old GM," before its 2009 bankruptcy and federal bailout.
The current company, called "New GM," said it did not assume responsibility under the reorganization to fix the Impala problem, but only to make repairs "subject to conditions and limitations" in express written warranties. In essence, the automaker said, Trusky sued the wrong entity.
"New GM's warranty obligations for vehicles sold by Old GM are limited to the express terms and conditions in the Old GM written warranties on a going-forward basis," wrote Benjamin Jeffers, a lawyer for GM. "New GM did not assume responsibility for Old GM's design choices, conduct, or alleged breaches of liability under the warranty."

Lue C Fur

Evil member
GM says bankruptcy excuses it from Impala repairs

NEW YORK, Aug 19 (Reuters) - General Motors Co (GM.N) is seeking to dismiss a lawsuit over a suspension problem on more than 400,000 Chevrolet Impalas from the 2007 and 2008 model years, saying it should not be responsible for repairs because the flaw predated its bankruptcy.
The lawsuit, filed on June 29 by Donna Trusky of Blakely, Pennsylvania, contended that her Impala suffered from faulty rear spindle rods, causing her rear tires to wear out after just 6,000 miles.

Seeking class-action status and alleging breach of warranty, the lawsuit demands that GM fix the rods, saying that it had done so on Impala police vehicles.
But in a recent filing with the U.S. District Court in Detroit, GM noted that the cars were made by its predecessor General Motors Corp, now called Motors Liquidation Co or "Old GM," before its 2009 bankruptcy and federal bailout.
The current company, called "New GM," said it did not assume responsibility under the reorganization to fix the Impala problem, but only to make repairs "subject to conditions and limitations" in express written warranties. In essence, the automaker said, Trusky sued the wrong entity.
"New GM's warranty obligations for vehicles sold by Old GM are limited to the express terms and conditions in the Old GM written warranties on a going-forward basis," wrote Benjamin Jeffers, a lawyer for GM. "New GM did not assume responsibility for Old GM's design choices, conduct, or alleged breaches of liability under the warranty."

This is really sad. After reading this it amazes me that people would still support GM. I think if more Americans knew about this that GM would look so bad that they would be forced to fix the issue.