Government Motors


golden ticket member
I hope she buys a nice new truck, she has enough money to pay for gas for it.
And herman cain with his new 9% National Sales tax, will put gas prices at over $4.00 even with lower oil prices, with higher oil prices, count on over $5 a gallon, if NST gets thru.
If & when I might get a new vehicle, I will be paying cash for it and unless Herman Cain is elected president.........he won't take office 'til Jan 2013 and that 9-9-9 won't be 'til then if at all!! I have a 1999 Blazer with 12,200 miles on much gas do you think I use ????????

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
If you have a mortgage on your home, you too were "bailed out" by the banking industry !! Hypocrite!!

NOt enough coffee this morning?? A mortgage is not the same as a business going out of business and needing cash to exist. FORD was in the same boat as the other two, but the difference was FORD had the assets to put against HUGE LOANS whereas GM and Chrysler did not.

All three were bailed out, one, by the private industry.

IF youre going to try and toot your horn of knowledge on a subject, make sure you have the objective facts first. That way, we dont have to laugh at you.



Für Meno :)
You probably burn up more electricity , just using your comp all day, which by the way will also be subject to 9% tax, all your home bills will be up by 9%, utilities, cable, internet, cell phone, home phone, and so on.


golden ticket member
You probably burn up more electricity , just using your comp all day, which by the way will also be subject to 9% tax, all your home bills will be up by 9%, utilities, cable, internet, cell phone, home phone, and so on.
And you care about this.........why ?????

My phone bill is about $20.00 a month.....what's yours ??????????????


Für Meno :)
$95, with unlimited long distance to USA and Canada, and an additional 1000 free minutes world wide, which also includes my high speed internet and HD TV Cable.
Plus 5% GST tax = $99.75


golden ticket member
Wow, I would never pay that much for phone, period.

That amount covers my cable TV and internet access!! Canada is expensive!!
NOt enough coffee this morning?? A mortgage is not the same as a business going out of business and needing cash to exist. FORD was in the same boat as the other two, but the difference was FORD had the assets to put against HUGE LOANS whereas GM and Chrysler did not.

All three were bailed out, one, by the private industry.

IF youre going to try and toot your horn of knowledge on a subject, make sure you have the objective facts first. That way, we dont have to laugh at you.


Can't believe you are still trying to spin this yarn.

A loan from a private bank not backed with tax dollars is not a bailout in the same sense as a "loan" from the federal government. It just makes you feel better to call it that. Why did FORD have the assets and the other two did not? Could it be because they run a better business plan? nawww, couldn't be that.


golden ticket member
NOt enough coffee this morning?? A mortgage is not the same as a business going out of business and needing cash to exist. FORD was in the same boat as the other two, but the difference was FORD had the assets to put against HUGE LOANS whereas GM and Chrysler did not.

All three were bailed out, one, by the private industry.

IF youre going to try and toot your horn of knowledge on a subject, make sure you have the objective facts first. That way, we dont have to laugh at you.

All businesses borrow money. To borrow it on your own is much more desirable than to wait for the gov't to pick up your ass.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
PSST Moreluck,

Most of the components on the new ford trucks are made OUT OF THE USA. And, to your point about buying a ford because they didnt get a bailout from the goverment? Get serious. FORD was the only company that got BAILED OUT by the BANKING INDUSTRY in the form of reconstruction loans.

FORD didnt make it on their own like your friends on FOXED SPEWS has you believing. They had to put up ASSETS against HUGE loans to stay in business. They are paying a higher interest to the banks than GM is paying the goverment.

Who was the smarter borrower?


Hey look eveyone...TOS the "9/11 Truther" is still trying to sell a lie that Ford got bailed out like GM, who got bailed out by the goverment. What a joke. I guess TOS needs to go back to school for business 101 to see how things are done in business. I bet TOS would have approved a loan to Solyndra too like the Messiah. BAHHHAHHAAAWAAAWHHAHHAAAAA!!!!!!

Oh i almost forgot...PISS!!!:wink2:

Lue C Fur

Evil member
The Other Side;[B said:
885089All three were bailed out[/B], one, (Thats FORD!!!) by the private industry.

WOW!!! Someone give TOS "the 911 Truther" a bannana!!!! We have a winner!!! So lets say it real slow for TOS: Two companies (thats GM and Crapyler) were bailied out by the GOVT with tax dollars and the other (Thats FORD) got a loan from the private sector because that is what normal companies do when they need money. They apply for a loan from the private sector and not ask for a handout from the tax payers.


Strength through joy
Also tos forgot about the fine print in the gov't bailouts. Where the gov't changed the bankruptcy rules so that the unions became co-owners of these new car companies, and not the bondholders who had invested their personal funds into keeping these two giants a float. Nor the fact that in order for the US gov't to sell their shares of stock, the price needs to rise quite higher in order for a profit to be made. But who would buy these shares if the US gov't can always change the bankruptcy laws again ?

Also Ford started to decrease the number of dealerships years before the other two .
I recall the fight Chrysler had 20yrs ago to get a gov't loan. It went on for weeks and weeks, but under mr. hope & change it only took days.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Wow, I would never pay that much for phone, period.

That amount covers my cable TV and internet access!! Canada is expensive!!

GOT TO LOVE THOSE SENIOR SUBSIDIES that the rest of us help to pay for... bet you have the phone with the big buttons too! UPS drivers know the ones, we pick em up all the time!


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Can't believe you are still trying to spin this yarn.

A loan from a private bank not backed with tax dollars is not a bailout in the same sense as a "loan" from the federal government. It just makes you feel better to call it that. Why did FORD have the assets and the other two did not? Could it be because they run a better business plan? nawww, couldn't be that.

I see weve hit upon another subject you have no clue on. Seems like you and moreluck spend alot of time at the same tea table at lunch time.

Do some research first Trippy. then get back to me on this one.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Hey look eveyone...TOS the "9/11 Truther" is still trying to sell a lie that Ford got bailed out like GM, who got bailed out by the goverment. What a joke. I guess TOS needs to go back to school for business 101 to see how things are done in business. I bet TOS would have approved a loan to Solyndra too like the Messiah. BAHHHAHHAAAWAAAWHHAHHAAAAA!!!!!!

Oh i almost forgot...PISS!!!:wink2:

HEY LUCIFER, if I thought I could get an intelligence answer from you, I would address you, but seeing that you share a braincell with Trippy, Ill let this one go.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Seems to me that TOS could learn a few things about business from the likes of Herman Cain.

Yes I could.

I could learn how to take 914 stores and reduce them to 420 stores and call that successful. I could learn how to get investors together to buy a retail food chain from a large corporation, then sit as CEO until the board FORCES ME TO RESIGN. I could learn how another man created a pizza chain, built it to 914 profitable stores, sold it to pillsbury, and then take it to 420 unprofitable stores and then parade around the country touting my experience as a job creator.

I could learn how to sit on the board of an energy trading company and convince my employees to invest their retirement savings into company stock all the while knowing the company is losing millions, and then I could learn how to pay myself millions in bonuses before the company goes belly up and I get sued by my former employees.

I could learn how to jump from board room to board room of major corporations and never manage to hold a position for longer than 2 years.

SO, Youre right moreluck, I could learn a few things from CAIN. They would be worthless, but they would be lessons.


Lue C Fur

Evil member
HEY LUCIFER, if I thought I could get an intelligence answer from you, I would address you, but seeing that you share a braincell with Trippy, Ill let this one go.


Awwww...sounds like TOS "The 9/11 Truther" is running away to hide like usual when he sticks foot into mouth. Please tell us more of your lies, its so entertaining.
I see weve hit upon another subject you have no clue on. Seems like you and moreluck spend alot of time at the same tea table at lunch time.

Do some research first Trippy. then get back to me on this one.

It was YOU that makes the claim that Ford receive 0bama's bailout money, you post the proof. Oh yea, that's right you aren't man enough to back up your vomit.


golden ticket member
GOT TO LOVE THOSE SENIOR SUBSIDIES that the rest of us help to pay for... bet you have the phone with the big buttons too! UPS drivers know the ones, we pick em up all the time!

There are no know that! I pay my own cable and my own phone and the way I keep it inexpensive is because I live within my means and don't subscribe to all the bells and whistles available out there. That's something that a lot of people can't learn because they want it all and they want it the demonstrators on the Brooklyn Bridge.....spoiled brats who don't care who else their action hurts.

Bass Pole !


golden ticket member
I think your posting of the conjoined babies is disgusting !! Your cover is blown and everybody except Special K knows your ploys.

Bass Pole !!