Government Motors

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
It was YOU that makes the claim that Ford receive 0bama's bailout money, you post the proof. Oh yea, that's right you aren't man enough to back up your vomit.


I never said FORD recieved goverment money. NICE TRY, but no cigar. FORD Stock was almost at ZERO when it went to the banks with a restructure plan. IT was FORCED to sell some UNITS of the company and present assets to place against large loans to keep it in business.

If FORD had not recieved these loans, it too would have went out of business by filing for Bankruptcy. The only other option would have been a bailout from the goverment.

Just before they obtained the loans, you could have bought FORD stock for a buck.

FORD was in as much trouble as GM or Chrysler but it did not have the liabilities that GM had. GM was over invested in banking, mortgages, cars and dealerships. All were money losers thanks to 5 dollar a gallon gas under GW BUSH.

Not only was GM losing money on car sales it was also losing homes to foreclosure during BUSH.

FORD did not have the same liabilities. It was easier to secure large loans to save FORD along with help from the UAW and the employees. Everyone had skin in the game so the banks gave FORD the BAILOUT money that they needed to survive.



golden ticket member
If, if, if.....................but it didn't happen so what are you arguing about. You don't argue about "IF" !!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
If, if, if.....................but it didn't happen so what are you arguing about. You don't argue about "IF" !!

The argument is that YOU saying FORD did not get BAILED OUT is not true. THEY WERE.

The difference was a private bailout vs a goverment bailout. ITS STILL A BAILOUT.

Without the money FORD folds. Its that simple.

Either way, good for the taxpayer that FORD recieved private bailout money. No argument there. GM and Chrysler are paying back their loans and making money again. Ford is selling cars and trucks and is making money.

Everybody wins.



golden ticket member
The argument is that YOU saying FORD did not get BAILED OUT is not true. THEY WERE.

The difference was a private bailout vs a goverment bailout. ITS STILL A BAILOUT.

Without the money FORD folds. Its that simple.

Either way, good for the taxpayer that FORD recieved private bailout money. No argument there. GM and Chrysler are paying back their loans and making money again. Ford is selling cars and trucks and is making money.

Everybody wins.

Ford was not bailed out by the gov't !!!! All businesses do bank borrowing from time to are wrong!!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Ford was not bailed out by the gov't !!!! All businesses do bank borrowing from time to are wrong!!!

Did you read anything I posted? Im wrong?

Look madaam, I invest in FORD. I watched as my stock PLUNGED down to a buck, and was looking at a potential BK. FORD didnt take a "loan" as other businesses do from "time to time".

Thats a statement of ignorance on the issue. FORD was about ready to close the doors. They started closing dealers, holding back on production of cars, laying off employees, and renegotiating contracts with the UAW just before presenting a case to the banks to get loans to stay in business.

FORD would have had to recieve goverment money if they had not taken steps to shore up the business. The difference between FORD and the others was in liabilities. This is where I think I lose both you and trippy, you dont understand business.

It was liabilities that prevented GM and Chrysler from recieving private loans and forced them to ask the goverment for help.

Ford is a better business model and the banks agreed. I think you need to invest your time in actually learning about Ford and its business model vs the others.


I never said FORD recieved goverment money. NICE TRY, but no cigar. FORD Stock was almost at ZERO when it went to the banks with a restructure plan. IT was FORCED to sell some UNITS of the company and present assets to place against large loans to keep it in business.

If FORD had not recieved these loans, it too would have went out of business by filing for Bankruptcy. The only other option would have been a bailout from the goverment.

Just before they obtained the loans, you could have bought FORD stock for a buck.

FORD was in as much trouble as GM or Chrysler but it did not have the liabilities that GM had. GM was over invested in banking, mortgages, cars and dealerships. All were money losers thanks to 5 dollar a gallon gas under GW BUSH.

Not only was GM losing money on car sales it was also losing homes to foreclosure during BUSH.

FORD did not have the same liabilities. It was easier to secure large loans to save FORD along with help from the UAW and the employees. Everyone had skin in the game so the banks gave FORD the BAILOUT money that they needed to survive.

Nice try at continuing your spin to support your wrong assumptions. Yes, WRONG. Securing a loan is not a bailout. Did you get a bailout when you bought your home? I know I didn't, I got a loan. A loan does not = a bailout. GM received a bailout disguised as a GOVERNMENT loan. We can call it a loan when it is totally paid back with interest, but we all know that isn't going to happen.
You said aover and over that Ford recieved a bailout just like the other two and that simply is not true.


Nice try at continuing your spin to support your wrong assumptions. Yes, WRONG. Securing a loan is not a bailout. Did you get a bailout when you bought your home? I know I didn't, I got a loan. A loan does not = a bailout. GM received a bailout disguised as a GOVERNMENT loan. We can call it a loan when it is totally paid back with interest, but we all know that isn't going to happen.
You said aover and over that Ford recieved a bailout just like the other two and that simply is not true.
I'm no financial expert but yeah, agree, Ford was not "bailed out" in the sense that taxpayer money was directly extorted and handed over. That is one reason I bought a Ford. Arguing of the working definition of "bail out" is pretty weak, though. Both were "bailed out" in reality but then again countless others have had to etc etc....


golden ticket member
Quit yer bitchin', Barney!!
I posted good news for're the one who asked for additional info. My info was complete for the point I was making to TOS....that Ford was having a great time as opposed to Government Mtrs. !!
I'm no financial expert but yeah, agree, Ford was not "bailed out" in the sense that taxpayer money was directly extorted and handed over. That is one reason I bought a Ford. Arguing of the working definition of "bail out" is pretty weak, though. Both were "bailed out" in reality but then again countless others have had to etc etc....

I, personally, would never consider a private loan on the same level as a government loan. With a private sector loan you have to show enough stability or collateral to secure the loan, to land the government loan you just need the right connections. It is standard operations with most companies of a larger scale to borrow money from financial institutions on a regular basis. It is not common practice to borrow money from the government.
The only people I have heard say that Ford's private loan was the same as the GM & MoPar stimulus money were the same were democrats trying to pump up the overall success of the bailouts.


Strength through joy
Electric the 'future?' 115-year-old car begs to differ
115-year-old electric car gets same 40 miles to the charge as Chevy Volt

Meet the Roberts electric car.
Built in 1896, it gets a solid 40 miles to the charge — exactly the mileage Chevrolet advertises for the Volt, the highly touted $31,645 electric car General Motors CEO Dan Akerson called “not a step forward, but a leap forward.”
But while the Roberts electric car clearly lacked GPS, power steering and, yes, air bags, the distance it could achieve on a charge, when compared with its modern equivalent, provides a telling example of the slow pace of the electric car.
The 1896 Roberts was made in Chicago.