Cadillac is set to announce an electric car based on the volt chassis for its division. Seems to be a market growing for the cars.
Our local Chevy dealer got their first Volt yesterday. It is a very sharp car. This one has all the bells and whistles. It has the docking station and power cord. Oh, did I mention the sticker price--$43,844!!!! I know that the Federal government has a $7,500 tax credit and I am sure most states have a similar credit but if I am going to spend that kind of money on a car it is going to be European, perhaps with a German accent.
I am on vacation for the next two weeks and am going to try to see if they will take me for a spin.
Nobody really cares for ugly!!
The only thing ugly about the Volt is the $43K sticker price.
Usually, when a new car comes out, we see them all over CA. highways. Today I saw 4 Bentleys, 2 of them covertibles, a ferrari (bright yellow), A classic '55 Chevy, a Rolls.....................nope, not one Volt.
I don't mention the Lexuses, Hondas, ford and all the regular ones I see parked at my store. But, don't change the subject....THERE WERE NO VOLTS!!Funny, there are over 5 million cars on the road in california and you only saw 7 cars on the road.
What, you expect to see 5 million cars when you drive? Sometimes I can get to the store and only see one or two other cars driving.....parked is a different story.Funny, there are over 5 million cars on the road in california and you only saw 7 cars on the road.
And not a single Volt.
Are the military buying them to use as target practice ?
Oh great the new buzz phrase will become " tires on the ground"How about this for a new military strategy instead of dropping bombs, we ship them all The Volts to use for free.
It's a slower method but more cost effective over the long run.
No troops will be needed on the ground .